tex1 + (1-tex1alpha)*tex2 + (1-tex1alpha-tex2alpha)*tex3
tex1 + (1-tex1alpha)*tex2 + (1-tex1alpha-tex2alpha)*tex3
我并没有真正使用 OpenGL,因此 GLSL 代码可能并不完全有效。但是您正在寻找的着色器应该看起来像这样。随时纠正任何错误。
vec4 col;
col = texture2D(tex3, uv)
if(col.a == 1) { gl_FragColor = col; return; }
col = texture2D(tex2, uv)
if(col.a == 1) { gl_FragColor = col; return; }
col = texture2D(tex1, uv)
if(col.a == 1) { gl_FragColor = col; return; }
vec4 col;
for(int i = nTextures - 1; i >= 0; --i)
col = texture2DArray(textures, vec3(uv, i));
if(col.a == 1)
gl_FragColor = col;
You can write the formula you posted directly in to the shader. The following will work:
uniform sampler2D sampler1;
uniform sampler2D sampler2;
uniform sampler2D sampler3;
varying vec2 texCoords;
void main()
vec4 tex1 = texture(sampler1, texCoords);
vec4 tex2 = texture(sampler2, texCoords);
vec4 tex3 = texture(sampler3, texCoords);
gl_FragColor = tex1 + (1 - tex1.a) * tex2 + (1 - tex1.a - tex2.a) * tex3;
However the 3rd argument could turn negative, which would have undesired results. Better would be:
gl_FragColor = tex1 + (1 - tex1.a) * tex2 + max(1 - tex1.a - tex2.a, 0) * tex3;