我的 heroku 日志中出现此错误。数据库已创建,但此错误不断被记录
2013-01-31T18:06:06+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: Starting process with command `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
2013-01-31T18:06:06+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: Awaiting client
2013-01-31T18:06:06+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: State changed from starting to up
2013-01-31T18:06:02+00:00 heroku[api]: Starting process with command `bundle exec rake db:migrate` by overallduka@hotmail.com
2013-01-31T18:06:10+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: Client connection closed. Sending SIGHUP to all processes
2013-01-31T18:06:11+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: Process exited with status 0
2013-01-31T18:06:11+00:00 heroku[run.9334]: State changed from up to complete
2013-01-31T18:06:16+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H10 desc="App crashed" method=GET path=/ host=youimports.herokuapp.com fwd= dyno= queue= wait= connect= service= status=503 bytes=