如评论中所述,您不能直接提供 .cshtml 文件,但是,如果您愿意,可以使用控制器来呈现内容:
public class TemplateController : Controller
// create a ~/Views/Template/Encoder.cshtml file
public PartialViewResult Encoder()
return PartialView();
templateUrl: '@Url.Action("Encoder", "Template")'
如果您的大部分 JavaScript 代码都在具有 Razor 访问权限的内容之外(例如外部 .js 文件),您仍然可以利用 Url 构建器,只需稍作不同。例如,我可能会做类似的事情:
public class TemplateController : Controller
// Add a child method to the templates controller that outputs default
// configuration settings (and, since it's a child action, we can re-use it)
public PartialViewResult Index()
// You could build a dynamic IEnumerable<ConfigRef> model
// here and pass it off, but I'm just going to stick with a static view
return PartialView();
<script type="text/javascript">
if (typeof window.App === 'undefined'){
window.App = {};
App.Templates = {
Encoder: '@Url.Action("Encoder", "Template")',
Template1: '@Url.Action("Template1", "Template")',
Template2: '@Url.Action("Template2", "Template")'
the template files would then reference `App.Templates.Encoder`
when they need access to that template.
@* ... *@
@{ Html.RenderAction("Index", "Template"); }
@* ... *@