
我希望以下示例中的导出文件具有 800x600 的尺寸(我并不是说重新缩放导出的图像或反复试验,直到尺寸意外适合)。图表周围一定有一些我忽略的对象。

Sub mwe()

Dim filepath As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim cObj As ChartObject
Dim c As Chart
Dim cShape As Shape
Dim cArea As chartArea

filepath = Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.FullName, "\"))
Set sheet = ActiveSheet
Set cObj = sheet.ChartObjects(1)
Set c = cObj.chart
Set cShape = sheet.Shapes(cObj.Name)
Set cArea = c.chartArea

cObj.Width = 800
cObj.Height = 400
MsgBox cArea.Width & " x " & cArea.Height  '793x393
c.Export filepath & "test1.png"            '1067x534, this is also the size on screen

cShape.Width = 800
cShape.Height = 400
MsgBox cArea.Width & " x " & cArea.Height  '794x393
c.Export filepath & "test2.png"            '1068x534, this is also the size on screen

End Sub


事实证明,ChartObjectShape属于相同的Chart已经有Worksheet父级,但是宽度和高度不是以像素为单位,而是以点为单位,其中 1 点 = 1/72 英寸,并且大多数情况下,Windows 似乎假设每个 96 像素英寸。


在导出时未激活的AChartObject似乎会生成一个宽度和高度比应有的高 1 的文件。


Sub mwe()

Dim filepath As String
Dim sheet As Worksheet
Dim cObj As ChartObject
Dim c As Chart

Dim px2ptH As Double: px2ptH = 72 / 96
Dim px2ptV As Double: px2ptV = 72 / 96
Dim w As Double: w = 800 * px2ptH
Dim h As Double: h = 400 * px2ptV

filepath = Left(ThisWorkbook.FullName, InStrRev(ThisWorkbook.FullName, "\"))
Set sheet = ActiveSheet
Set cObj = sheet.ChartObjects(1)
Set c = cObj.Chart

'otherwise image size may deviate by 1x1

cObj.Width = w
cObj.Height = h

c.Export filepath & "test.png"

End Sub

1 回答 1


尺寸以点为单位,而不是像素。72 磅为英寸。

800 像素 / 72 = 11.11111 .... 导出图像的大小将以英寸/计算机显示器的 dpi 为单位,通常为 96(就像您的情况一样,但您不能总是指望它。 .. 使用 WIN API 调用来查找当前值)

Randy Birch 发布了可用于访问 WinAPI 调用以获取屏幕分辨率等的代码。

转到http://vbnet.mvps.org/index.html并使用左侧的搜索功能查找 GETDEVICECAPS

于 2013-02-01T16:48:14.527 回答