我一直在尝试使用经典的 ASP 将 base64 文件保存为服务器端的图像。我想要的是将文件自动保存到特定位置并给它一个文件名,现在我可以很好地编码它的这方面。但是,如果不先在浏览器上渲染,我无法获取保存图像的代码。这对我不起作用,因为我使用的脚本将是自动导出并且没有用户输入。
base64String ="base64 code goes here - Wont add it as its huge amount of text"
Set tmpDoc = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.DomDocument")
Set nodeB64 = tmpDoc.CreateElement("b64")
nodeB64.DataType = "bin.base64" ' stores binary as base64 string
nodeB64.Text = Mid(base64String, InStr(base64String, ",") + 1) ' append data text (all data after the comma)
vehicleAuditName= "Audit1"
With Response
.ContentType = "image/png"
.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & vehicleAuditName & ".png"
.BinaryWrite nodeB64.NodeTypedValue 'get bytes and write
End With