我是 MVC 的新手,并且使用 EF-database-first 创建了一个 MVC4 应用程序。数据库不包含外键定义,我无法添加它们(我不拥有数据库)。以下是数据库中的两个示例类:

public partial class Allocation
    public int AllocID { get; set; }
    public int DeptID { get; set; }
    public decimal AllocationPercent { get; set; }

public partial class Department
    public int DeptID { get; set; }
    public string DeptName { get; set; }
    public string Account { get; set; }

默认分配索引页面显示部门 ID。我想显示部门名称。如果没有导航属性,我怎么能做到这一点?


public class AllocationController : Controller
    private Entities db = new Entities();

    // GET: /Allocation/

    public ActionResult Index()
        return View(db.Allocation.Include(d => d.DeptID).ToList());

但这会产生错误(“指定的包含路径无效。EntityType 'TESTModel.Allocation' 未声明名为 'DeptID' 的导航属性。”)...



2 回答 2



public partial class Allocation
 public int AllocID { get; set; }
 public int DeptID { get; set; }
 public decimal AllocationPercent { get; set; }
 public virtual Department Department { get; set; } /* this is your nav property */

public partial class Department
 public int DeptID { get; set; }
 public string DeptName { get; set; }
 public string Account { get; set; }


db.Allocation.Include(a => a.Department).ToList()


public virtual Department Department { get; set; }


 public int AllocID { get; set; }
 public int DeptID { get; set; }
 public decimal AllocationPercent { get; set; }
 public virtual Department Department { get; set; }
于 2013-01-31T00:51:53.960 回答

With navigation properties, Travis J's answer is what you need. If you don't want to use navigation properties, assuming your DB context has a set called Departments, you could do smth like this:

var deptId = db.Allocation.DeptID;
var departments = db.Departments.Where(p => p.DeptID == deptId);
return View(departments.ToList());
于 2013-01-31T01:00:47.030 回答