我正在开发一个涉及跨域调用的 Web 项目,我决定使用 Knockout.js 和 ASP.NET Web Api。我在 VS 2012 中使用了单页应用程序模板,并按原样实现了 Knockout 类。当我从同一个域进行 JSON 调用时,该页面效果很好,但是当我尝试从远程服务器使用 JSONP 时,敲除似乎没有绑定数据。在进行 JSONP 调用时,我可以看到从远程接收到的 JSON 数据,但是敲除无法绑定数据。
这是我的 JavaScript ViewModel 类:
window.storyApp.storyListViewModel = (function (ko, datacontext) {
var self = this;
self.storyLists = ko.observableArray();
self.selectedStory = ko.observable();
self.error = ko.observable();
//Load initial state from the server, convert it to Story instances, then populate self
datacontext.getStoryLists(storyLists, error); // load update stories
self.selectStory = function (s) {
selectedStory(s); $("#showStoryItem").click(); window.scrollTo(0, 0);
storyItem = s;
//append id to the hash for navigating to anchor tag
self.backToStory = function () {
window.location.hash = storyItem.id;
self.loadStories = function () {
datacontext.getStoryLists(storyLists, error); // load update stories
return {
storyLists: self.storyLists,
error: self.error,
selectStory: self.selectStory
})(ko, storyApp.datacontext);
// Initiate the Knockout bindings
我的 DataContext 类如下:
window.storyApp = window.storyApp || {};
window.storyApp.datacontext = (function (ko) {
var datacontext = {
getStoryLists: getStoryLists
return datacontext;
function getStoryLists(storyListsObservable, errorObservable) {
return ajaxRequest("get", storyListUrl())
function getSucceeded(data) {
var mappedStoryLists = $.map(data, function (list) { return new createStoryList(list); });
function getFailed() {
errorObservable("Error retrieving stories lists.");
function createStoryList(data) {
return new datacontext.StoryList(data); // TodoList is injected by model.js
// Private
function clearErrorMessage(entity) {
function ajaxRequest(type, url, data) { // Ajax helper
var options = {
dataType: "JSONP",
contentType: "application/json",
cache: false,
type: type,
data: ko.toJSON(data)
return $.ajax(url, options);
// routes
function storyListUrl(id) {
return "http://secure.regis.edu/insite_webapi/api/story/" + (id || "");
此页面:http : //insite.regis.edu/insite/index.html 对secure.regis.edu 进行跨域调用,但它不起作用。然而,在secure.regis.eduinsite/index.html 上进行JSON 调用的同一页面工作得很好。