
我主要是一名程序员,虽然我有丰富的 Photoshop 和 Illustrator 经验,以及对 html5 和 CSS 的良好理解,但我从来没有能够使用 Dreamweaver 进行适当的所见即所得拖放网站设计(有点像你可以使用visual studio.net 或eclipse windows builder)。

不明白为什么这么难?CSS div 和图层的放置非常复杂,您必须进行所有这些计算,有时会增加边距,减少边距,div 的类型,也许只有我一个人,但经过数月的头痛后,我转而使用网站构建器例如由 webeden.co.uk 提供的一个(这不是广告,我不隶属于他们,)。我的意思是我想要做的只是拖放几个 div,单击几个按钮,然后它们就可以正常工作,webeden 可以在线完成,而专门为 web 开发设计的软件 dreamweaver 不能。我迫切希望切换回 Dreamweaver,因为它功能强大得多,但做布局是一场噩梦。

只是我,我是否只需要数百小时才能让我所有的 div 和 span 都恰到好处?或者我不适合作为偶尔的网络开发人员?还是adobe因为我离开了dreamweaver而诅咒了我?



2 回答 2


对我来说不幸或幸运的是,要拥有良好编码的自定义网站,您需要一个具有编程经验和最新技术知识的人。当然,您可以创建一个 word 文档并将其保存为 html 文件,但是您看过它背后的代码吗?呜呜。但是您作为设计师可能并不关心这一点,开发人员会关心这些,看到您臃肿网站的服务器人员也会如此关心带宽。所以答案是,你不适合做临时开发者,就像开发者不适合做临时设计师一样,不管他们的绘画技巧有多好

于 2013-01-30T17:28:02.183 回答

In all honesty dreamweaver is bloatware. It costs too much, and a real professional wouldn't touch it.

That being said. The guy talking about crap code and bandwidth is obviously a derp. The code itself on even a large site will not chew up that much bandwidth. The major bandwidth usage in any site will be it's media.. i.e. images, videos, music etc..

In my honest opinion, one only needs notepad to create a decent website.

As for drag-n-drop technology. I have yet to see an implementation of it that is fast, powerful, and complex enough to have the options for what i want to do. That isn't counting what the resulting code would look like.

My suggestion to anyone creating a website, is for them to learn html, and css. There are more powerful languages out there to build sites with, but for a beginner, html, and css are a great foundation. After that if you wish, go on to learn javascript, php, perl, and python.

于 2013-03-19T19:53:34.127 回答