我只是在阅读 gTLD,似乎该申请已于 2012 年 6 月关闭。在 ICANN 网站上(这是 UX 的噩梦),没有迹象表明申请程序是否/何时重新开放,有人知道吗?
51 次
1 回答
讽刺!- ICANN 终于在我发布此问题后不到 5 分钟回复了我的电子邮件。仅供参考,以下是他们的回复:
Thank you for your email and interest in the New gTLD Program.
You are correct, the application window for New gTLDs has closed.
No dates have been set for the next application round. Please monitor our website at newgtlds.icann.org for updates and announcements regarding the next application round.
You can also participate in the Program through Program processes such as Application Comments. Please visit our website at newgtlds.icann.org and http://www.icann.org/en/about/participate/how to learn about how to participate in the New gTLD Program and ICANN's processes, respectively.
Best regards,
New gTLD Customer Service`
于 2013-01-30T12:43:45.957 回答