有一个三列布局,其中图像收缩功能(第一列)完美运行。但在我的两列布局中,收缩功能似乎起作用,但图像宽度始终为 450px,但如果必须为 280px。有任何想法吗?
TSConfig 根页面:
tx_multicolumn.layoutPreset >
tx_multicolumn.layoutPreset {
# Define a unique key for the layout
twoColumnLayout {
# Backend label (path to a locallang file)
label = 2 Spalten
# Icon (file resource or a path to fileadmin)
icon = fileadmin/layout/images/multi2spalten.png
config {
#Width of multicolumn container (px or %)
containerMeasure = px
containerWidth = 900
# Number of columns(integer)
columns = 2
# Column measure (px or %)
columnMeasure = px
# Column width (integer, optionSplit)
columnWidth = 580 |*| 280
# Column margin (string, optionSplit)
columnMargin = 0 20px 0 0 |*| 0 0 0 0
# Disable auto image shrink for columns (boolean, 0)
disableImageShrink = 0
# Define a unique key for the layout
threeColumnLayout {
# Backend label (path to a locallang file)
label = 3 Spalten
# Icon (file resource or a path to fileadmin)
icon = fileadmin/layout/images/multi3spalten.png
config {
#Width of multicolumn container (px or %)
containerMeasure = px
containerWidth = 900
# Number of columns(integer)
columns = 3
# Column measure (px or %)
columnMeasure = px
# Column width (integer, optionSplit)
columnWidth = 300 |*| 260 |*| 260
# Column margin (string, optionSplit)
columnMargin = 0 20px 0 0 |*| 0 20px 0 0 |*| 0 0 0 0
# Disable auto image shrink for columns (boolean, 0)
disableImageShrink = 0
styles.content.imgtext.colPos0.maxW = 280
styles.content.imgtext.colPos1.maxW = 280
styles.content.imgtext.colPos2.maxW = 280
styles.content.imgtext.colPos3.maxW = 280
tt_content.image.20.maxW.cObject = CASE
tt_content.image.20.maxW.cObject {
key.field = colPos
## Normal
0 = TEXT
0.value = 280
## Left
1 = TEXT
1.value = 280
## Right
2 = TEXT
2.value = 280
## Border
3 = TEXT
3.value = 280