How do I detect if a cell is merged?
If the cell is merged how do I read the value?
Function IsMerged(rCell As Range) As Boolean
' Returns true if referenced cell is Merged
IsMerged = rCell.MergeCells
End Function
然后作为一个 Excel 公式来测试单元格A1
这是在 VBA 中读取单元格值的方法,无论它是否被合并。
C.MergeArea.Cells(1, 1).Value
您要查看的单元格在哪里。其工作方式是,如果单元格未合并,则 MergeArea 要么与单元格本身完全相同;要么 否则 MergeArea 是已合并的单元格范围。合并单元格时,该值保留在最左上角的单元格中。
Sub checkCellMerged1()
'With ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Set ma = ActiveCell.MergeArea
On Error GoTo errHand
If ma = ActiveCell Then MsgBox ActiveCell.Address & " is not merged"
GoTo final
If Err.Number = 13 Then MsgBox "Merged Address = " & ma.Address _
& vbCrLf & "Value = " & ma(1).Value
On Error GoTo 0
'End With
End Sub
如果总是填充 B 和 C,则有一个简单的非 VBA 方法来确定单元格是否被合并。只需执行 COUNTA(B2,C2) 并检查总数。如果 B2 与 C2 合并,则总数为 1,否则计数为 2。
If 语句结果仅对第一个单元格为真;合并与否。
Sub RunOnlyForFirstCell()
Dim c As Range
Dim MergedCellsArea As Range
For Each c In Selection.Cells
Set MergedCellsArea = c.MergeArea
If c.Address = MergedCellsArea(1, 1).Address Then
'''run your sub
Debug.Print c.Address; Selection.Cells.Count; MergedCellsArea(1, 1).Address
End If
Next c
End Sub
Function GetValue(iRow As Integer, iCol As Integer) As String
Dim rCell As Range
Set rCell = oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol)
sText = ""
If Not rCell.MergeCells Then
sText = rCell.Value
End If
GetValue = sText
End Function
Set oSheet = Worksheets("Sheet1")