from multiprocessing.pool import Pool
# @NOTE: The two imports below are for demo purposes and won't be necessary in
# your final program
import random
import time
def writeOut(index):
""" A function which prints a start message, delays for a random interval and then
prints a finish message
delay = random.randint(1,5)
print("Starting process #{0}".format(index))
print("Finished process #{0} which delayed for {1}s.".format(index, delay))
# Create a process pool with a maximum of 10 worker processes
pool = Pool(processes=10)
# Map our function to a data set - number 1 through 20
pool.map(writeOut, range(20))
[mike@tester ~]$ python test.py
Starting process #0
Starting process #2
Starting process #3
Starting process #1
Starting process #4
Starting process #5
Starting process #6
Starting process #7
Starting process #8
Starting process #9
Finished process #2 which delayed for 1s.
Starting process #10
Finished process #7 which delayed for 1s.
Finished process #6 which delayed for 1s.
Starting process #11
Starting process #12
Finished process #9 which delayed for 2s.
Finished process #12 which delayed for 1s.
Starting process #13
Starting process #14
Finished process #1 which delayed for 3s.
Finished process #5 which delayed for 3s.
Starting process #15
Starting process #16
Finished process #8 which delayed for 3s.
Starting process #17
Finished process #4 which delayed for 4s.
Starting process #18
Finished process #10 which delayed for 3s.
Finished process #13 which delayed for 2s.
Starting process #19
Finished process #0 which delayed for 5s.
Finished process #3 which delayed for 5s.
Finished process #11 which delayed for 4s.
Finished process #15 which delayed for 2s.
Finished process #16 which delayed for 2s.
Finished process #18 which delayed for 2s.
Finished process #14 which delayed for 4s.
Finished process #17 which delayed for 5s.
Finished process #19 which delayed for 5s.
如您所见,前十个进程启动,然后每个后续进程仅在另一个进程池工作程序完成(变得可用)后才开始。使用多个进程(而不是多个线程)绕过了全局解释器锁 (GIL)。
and range(20)