I am trying to request a XML file Using VB.net and load it in my application.
I have been able to use a JavaScript in the past which uses XMLHttpRequest but now I am trying to create a application that will allow me to request a XML file and parse it.
In the past I have used the following JavaScript code to request and show the reply in a textarea:
<button onclick="send_command()">GET</button>
<textarea id="test1" name="test1" cols="90" rows="30">
XML file will be displayed here
<script type="text/javascript">
function send_command()
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200)
var url = "";
But now I am trying to do the same thing but using VB.net (2012) as a windows Application.
After doing a quick Google on this, I have found the following code:
' Create a WebRequest to the remote site
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("")
' NB! Use the following line ONLY if the website is protected
request.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("admin", "admin")
' Call the remote site, and parse the data in a response object
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()
' Check if the response is OK (status code 200)
If response.StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK Then
' Parse the contents from the response to a stream object
Dim stream As System.IO.Stream = response.GetResponseStream()
' Create a reader for the stream object
Dim reader As New System.IO.StreamReader(stream)
' Read from the stream object using the reader, put the contents in a string
Dim contents As String = reader.ReadToEnd()
' Create a new, empty XML document
Dim document As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()
' Load the contents into the XML document
' Now you have a XmlDocument object that contains the XML from the remote site, you can
' use the objects and methods in the System.Xml namespace to read the document
' If the call to the remote site fails, you'll have to handle this. There can be many reasons, ie. the
' remote site does not respond (code 404) or your username and password were incorrect (code 401)
' See the codes in the System.Net.HttpStatusCode enumerator
Throw New Exception("Could not retrieve document from the URL, response code: " & response.StatusCode)
End If
However when I run the code above in VB.net I get an error:
I can't seem to work out why this error is happening.
Does anyone know what the error above means or better still is the VB.net code above going to do what I am trying to do?
(My XML file requires a username and password to view the XML)