My application regarding as showing list of MP3 songs listview from server on click of particular listview song am background download that song into sd card up to that task done successfully but client need when user click on more MP3 songs at the same time from listview then that song also download parallel in background but my code work only last select song is downloading

Please provide code or logic.


1 回答 1


把它抽象出来。编写一个类来排队下载,然后让该类在每个文件完成时启动新的下载。这样您就可以处理诸如重复的 onItemSelected 调用之类的事情。我不确定您为什么添加多维数组标签,但是如果您将代码附加到您的问题中,会更容易理解您的目标是什么。

于 2013-01-30T06:20:25.633 回答