有人可以帮助解释/提供有关如何在 Backbone Bolierplate 中使用 LayoutManager 的示例吗?

在 app.js 中,我可以看到一个扩展主 app 对象的 useLayout 函数。在这里,它似乎正在设置一个基本布局元素:

// Helper for using layouts.
    useLayout: function(name, options) {
      // Enable variable arity by allowing the first argument to be the options
      // object and omitting the name argument.
      if (_.isObject(name)) {
        options = name;

      // Ensure options is an object.
      options = options || {};

      // If a name property was specified use that as the template.
      if (_.isString(name)) {
        options.template = name;

      // Create a new Layout with options.
      var layout = new Backbone.Layout(_.extend({
        el: "#main"
      }, options));

      // Cache the refererence.
      return this.layout = layout;

那是对的吗?如果是这样,我是否以某种方式将“UseLayout”功能与应用程序路由器一起使用?...向主视图添加不同的 UI 元素/嵌套视图?



2 回答 2


您可以像使用常规 Backbone 一样使用它ViewView您可以使用它来创建一个新实例,而不是直接构建。您发布的代码是扩展object顶部的包装器,设置为可覆盖的默认元素。Backbone Layout Managerel: #mainView

var layout = new useLayout({ template: "#viewElement", ... });
于 2013-01-30T14:07:18.013 回答


var app = {
  // The root path to run the application.
  root: "/",
  anotherGlobalValue: "something",
  apiUrl: "http://some.url"

// Mix Backbone.Events, modules, and layout management into the app object.
return _.extend(app, {
    // Create a custom object with a nested Views object.
    module: function(additionalProps) {
      return _.extend({ Views: {} }, additionalProps);

    // Helper for using layouts.
    useLayout: function(options) {
      // Create a new Layout with options.
      var layout = new Backbone.Layout(_.extend({
        el: "#main"
      }, options));

      return this.layout = layout;

    // Helper for using form layouts.
    anotherUsefulFunction: function(options) {
      // Something useful

  }, Backbone.Events);



app.useLayout({ template: "layout/home" })
    ".promotional-items": new Promotions.Views.PromotionNavigation(),
    ".featured-container": new Media.Views.FeaturedSlider({
      vehicles: app.vehicles,
      collection: featuredCollection
}).render().then(function() {
  //Do something once the layout has rendered.


于 2013-01-31T07:46:01.630 回答