How do you do it? I simply can't figure it out :P

Here's how i get the standard playlists

Feed<Playlist> feed = mainRequest.Get<Playlist>(new Uri("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/playlists"));
Playlist playlist = feed.Entries.ElementAt<Playlist>(0);

But using the same method on getting the watch_later playlist like so

Feed<Playlist> feed = mainRequest.Get<Playlist>(new Uri("https://gdata.youtube.com/feeds/api/users/default/watch_later"));

returns the videos in the watch_later playlist... i've tried pretty much everything i could come up with and nothing works. So how to do it?

I need the playlist since i'm trying to add videos to it.


1 回答 1


如果您只是想查找播放列表 id,您可以使用数据 api 的 v3,您可以使用Channels List方法。

使用 oAuth 进行身份验证后,可以在 items.contentDetails.relatedPlaylists.watchLater 中找到播放列表

我不太了解 C#,但 url 本身是:



于 2013-01-30T06:46:05.333 回答