I have been looking for a solution to uploading a file in Selenium 2.
The problem is that the web element that I'm trying to upload is usable in two ways: Drag and drop, or click on a button. There is no field entry box. Not that I haven't tried using sendKeys. I've tried it on the button, and all surrounding elements.
The second part to this problem is that I write on a Windows machine, but the automation occurs on a Linux machine. That means that AutoIt won't work. This is the HTML of the upload box.
<div class="up-target" id="up-drop-zone">
<div class="up-drop-zone-pre hidden">
<p>Please choose a folder to upload</p>
<div class="up-drop-zone-decor">
<p>Drop one or more files here</p>
<button name="uploadFile" class="upload">Select Files</button>
<input type="file" id="up-drop-zone-input" name="files[]" multiple="true">
I am using Java, and open to other methods outside of Selenium (However, I do only have select maven repositories).
Thank You!