我正在尝试使用 System V 信号量来实现条件变量。为简单起见,我们假设一次只有一个进程可以等待一个条件变量。这个概念看起来很简单,所以看看我对互斥锁和条件变量包装器的实现,其中:
- Mutex 是一个二进制信号量,1 代表空闲,0 代表锁定。
- 条件变量是一个二进制信号量,1 表示有人在等待它,否则为 0。
//Sets value of 'num' semaphore from 'semid' semaphore set to be 'val'.
// Returns 0 on success and -1 on failure.
int set_value(int semid, int num, int val)
union semun setval_semun;
setval_semun.val = val;
return semctl(semid, num, SETVAL, setval_semun);
// Returns the value of semaphore 'num' from 'semid' semaphore set
// or -1 on failure.
int get_value(int semid, int num)
return semctl(semid, num, GETVAL);
// Locks 'mutex'. Returns 0 on success and 1 if 'mutex' is invalid.
// Returns -1 on other error.
int lock_mutex(int semid, int mutex)
struct sembuf op;
if (get_value(semid, mutex) > 1) return 1;
op.sem_num = mutex;
op.sem_op = -1;
op.sem_flg = 0;
return semop(semid, &op, 1);
// Unlocks 'mutex'. Returns 0 on success and 1 ig the 'mutex' isn't locked.
// Returns -1 on different error.
int unlock_mutex(int semid, int mutex)
struct sembuf op;
if (get_value(semid, mutex) != 0) return 1;
op.sem_num = mutex;
op.sem_op = 1;
op.sem_flg = 0;
return semop(semid, &op, 1);
// Waits on condition 'cond' and frees 'mutex'.
// Returns 0 on success and 1 if either some other process is waiting on 'cond'
// or 'mutex' is not locked. Returns -1 on other failure.
int wait_cond(int semid, int cond, int mutex)
struct sembuf ops[2];
if (get_value(semid, cond) != 0 || get_value(semid, mutex) != 0)
return 1;
ops[0].sem_num = cond;
ops[0].sem_op = 1;
ops[0].sem_flg = 0;
semop(semid, ops, 1);
ops[0].sem_num = mutex;
ops[0].sem_op = 1;
ops[0].sem_flg = 0;
ops[1].sem_num = cond;
ops[1].sem_op = 0;
ops[1].sem_flg = 0;
return semop(semid, ops, 2);
// Wakes up process waiting for 'cond'. Returns 0 on success. Returns 1 when
// no process is waiting for 'cond' and -1 on other error.
int wake_cond(int semid, int cond)
struct sembuf op;
if (semctl(semid, cond, GETVAL) != 1)
return 1;
op.sem_num = cond;
op.sem_op = -1;
op.sem_flg = 0;
return semop(semid, &op, 1);
- 锁定互斥锁。
- 做一点事。
- 唤醒等待条件变量的过程。
- 使用互斥锁等待条件变量。
int main(int argc, char** argv)
key_t key = 0;
pid_t pid = 0;
int semid = 0;
int const mutex = 0;
int const cond = 1;
int repeat = 5;
char const* name = NULL;
union semun setval_semun;
// Create unique key.
key = get_unique_key(argv[0], 47);
if (key == -1)
return 1;
// Create and intialize semaphore set.
semid = semget(key, 2, 0666 | IPC_CREAT);
if (semid == -1)
return 1;
if (set_value(semid, mutex, 1) != 0 || set_value(semid, cond, 1) != 0)
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
return 1;
// Fork.
pid = fork();
if (fork() < 0)
return 1;
else if(pid > 0)
name = "parent";
name = " child";
printf("%s: (0), mutex: %d, cond: %d, repeat: %d\n", name,
get_value(semid, mutex), get_value(semid, cond), repeat);
if (lock_mutex(semid, mutex) != 0) return 1;
printf("%s: (1), mutex: %d, cond: %d, repeat: %d\n", name,
get_value(semid, mutex), get_value(semid, cond), repeat);
if (wake_cond(semid, cond) != 0) return 1;
printf("%s: (2), mutex: %d, cond: %d, repeat: %d\n", name,
get_value(semid, mutex), get_value(semid, cond), repeat);
if (repeat == 0)
if (unlock_mutex(semid, mutex) != 0) return 1;
else if (wait_cond(semid, cond, mutex) != 0) return 1;
printf("%s: (3), mutex: %d, cond: %d, repeat: %d\n", name,
get_value(semid, mutex), get_value(semid, cond), repeat);
//Wait for child and clear resources.
if (pid > 0)
semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);
return 0;
parent: (0), mutex: 1, cond: 1, repeat: 4
parent: (0), mutex: 0, cond: 1, repeat: 4
child: (0), mutex: 0, cond: 1, repeat: 4
child: (0), mutex: 0, cond: 1, repeat: 4
parent: (1), mutex: 0, cond: 1, repeat: 4
parent: (2), mutex: 0, cond: 0, repeat: 4
尤其是看前两行。他们告诉您,通知编号 (0) 在 while 循环的同一运行中以不同的值打印了两次!当然,它最终陷入僵局,所以我 ^C 它。
不要为 get_unique_key() 函数操心——它的功能正如其名。