PushEnumerator 在 Play 框架 2.1-RC 中被弃用。文档告诉我改用 Concurrent.broadcast 。但是,我推送的数据取决于用户,所以我不能向每个用户广播相同的数据。

换句话说,Concurrent.broadcast 将给我一个连接到许多迭代器的枚举器,而我需要许多连接到许多迭代器的枚举器。


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下面是一个使用 Concurrent.unicast[E] 的简单示例:

// assume the following exist:
def readValueAsync(source: MySource): Future[Any]
val source: MySource = ...

// this is where the meat is:
val valueEnumerator = Concurrent.unicast[Any] {
  (channel: Concurrent.Channel[Any]) =>
    readValueAsync(source) onComplete {
      case Success(x: Any) => channel.push(x)
      case Failure(t) => channel.end(t)

// you can then collect it using an iteratee
// since my enumerator never really ends, I only take 10 elements here
val result: List[Any] = 
  valueEnumerator through Enumeratee.take(10) run Interatee.getChunks[Any]
于 2013-04-13T01:38:00.757 回答