我正在努力编写代码,它将计算 int list list 的总和。例如,如果我们考虑以下列表






3 回答 3



fun sums xss =
      fun extend xss y = map (fn xs => y :: xs) xss
      fun extend' xss ys = foldl (fn (y, b) => extend xss y @ b) [] ys
      fun extend'' xss = foldl (fn (xs,b) => extend' b xs) [[]] xss
      fun sum xs = foldl op+ 0 xs
      map sum (extend'' xss)

- sums [[1],[1,5],[7],[2,3,4]];
val it = [17,13,16,12,15,11] : int list

显然,大多数函数都可以按照正确的顺序将参数作为对,因此直接提供给 map 和 fold 函数,而不是将它们包装在匿名函数中。

于 2013-01-29T17:07:25.393 回答

这是我尝试仅使用列表和模式匹配来制作尾递归(有点)版本的算法。它是用 OCaml 而不是 SML 编写的,并且需要内部列表的升序

let reverse list = 
    let rec iter list acc :int list = match list with
    [] -> acc
    | x::xs -> iter xs (x::acc)
 in iter list [];;

let listAdd num list = 
  let rec iter num list acc :int list = match list with
     [] -> acc
    | x::xs -> iter num xs ((x + num)::acc)
  in reverse( iter num list []);;   

let listMerge listX listY = 
  let rec iter listX listY acc : int list = match listX with 
     [] -> (reverse acc) @ listY
     | x :: xs -> match listY with 
        [] -> (reverse acc ) @ listX
        | y :: ys -> match ( compare x y ) with
           0  ->  iter xs ys ( x::acc )
          |(-1) ->  iter xs listY ( x::acc )    
          | 1 ->  iter listX ys ( y::acc )
  in iter listX listY [];;  

let listSums listX listY =
 let rec iter listX listY acc = match listX with 
   [] -> acc
   | x :: xs -> iter xs listY ( listMerge acc (listAdd x listY ) )
 in iter listX listY [];;  

let possibleSums shallowList = match shallowList with 
   [] -> []
   | headList :: lists -> 
      let rec iter acc lists  = match lists with 
          [] -> acc
          | headList :: other -> iter ( listSums acc headList ) other  
      in iter headList lists;;

这里 possibleSums [[1];[1;5];[7];[2;3;4]];;评估为int list = [11; 12; 13; 15; 16; 17]


  • reverse函数只是在构建结果累加器后恢复顺序的实用程序 - 尾递归优化的常用概念
  • listAdd在构建摘要时避免使用 map 实用程序的功能
  • listMerge等于 set union的函数将排序列表用作整数集
  • listSums将求和映射到两组笛卡尔积的函数
  • 将总和映射到所有集合的完整笛卡尔积的最终级别的posibleSums函数。



let split lst = 
    let rec iter lst partX partY = match lst with
        [] -> partX,partY
        | x::xs -> iter xs partY (x::partX)
    in iter lst [] [];;

let rec mergeSort lst = match lst with 
    [] -> []
    |[x] -> [x]
    | _ -> let partX,partY = split lst in
           listMerge (mergeSort partX) (mergeSort partY);;

let possibleSums shallowList = match shallowList with 
   [] -> []
   | headList :: lists -> 
      let rec iter acc lists  = match lists with 
          [] -> acc
          | headList :: other -> iter ( listSums acc (mergeSort headList) ) other  
      in iter (mergeSort headList) lists;;


 let rec repeat elem n = match n with
     0 -> []
    | _ -> elem :: (repeat elem (n - 1));;

在这种情况下,possibleSums( repeat( repeat 1 30) 30 )将立即计算正确的单例答案 int list = [30]。虽然更直接的解决方案(如 Jesper 的解决方案)将永远做到这一点。

于 2013-01-29T19:03:58.100 回答

我会尝试用递归循环来解决它 - 在伪代码中:

sum = 0;

while (i < arrayOfArrays.length ) {
     i ++

 function sumUp() {
     while( j < arrayOfArrayElement.length){
     sum = sum + arrayOfArrayElement[j].val
     j ++




  1. 创建一个函数,该函数接受一个整数数组并使用 for 或 while 循环添加包含的整数。
  2. 循环遍历主数组并调用每个包含数组元素的函数来求和,直到没有更多元素为止,您可以通过使用数组的 .length 来实现这一点,该数组应该可以在每种脚本/编程语言中访问
于 2013-01-29T16:20:04.717 回答