在 Java 中使用泛型时,我遇到了一些不便。请考虑以下代码:
* MyElement class is simply a wrapper for a generic object.
public static class MyElement<T> {
public final T OBJ;
public MyElement(T obj) {
this.OBJ = obj;
* MyElementList contains an array list of MyElements of the given type, T.
* This represents a class that uses a list of MyElements of a certain type,
* and this list can be accessed in an unmodifiable format.
public static class MyElementList<T> {
private List<MyElement<T>> elementList = new ArrayList();
public MyElementList(List<MyElement<T>> initElements) {
public List<MyElement<T>> getElements() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(elementList);
public static void main(String[] args) {
//New list of elements
//Notice that I did not explicitly specify the type for 'MyElement'
List<MyElement> theElements = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
new MyElement[] {
new MyElement("E 1"),
new MyElement("E 2"),
new MyElement("E 3")
//Also notice I did not explicitly specify the type for 'MyElementList'
MyElementList theList = new MyElementList(theElements);
//The following does not work.
//It seems to not work because theList.getElements() returns a 'List'
//not necessarily a 'List<MyElement>' which is what I would expect it to
for(MyElement e : theList.getElements()) {
//Currently my work around is to do the following, but I do not like
//having to introduce another variable, and I would rather just do the
//one above
List<MyElement> listOfElements = theList.getElements();
for(MyElement e : listOfElements) {
//How come the first 'for-each' loop method does not work?
//Is there anyway I could get it to work?
在 main 方法中,如果我没有为“MyElementList”指定类型参数,那么“getElements()”方法只返回一个“List”,而不是一个“List<MyElement>”。这很不方便,因为如果我想遍历每个“MyElement”,我需要引入另一个变量作为临时列表,如代码所示。
- 为什么“getElements()”方法不返回“List<MyElement>”?
- 在不对“MyElementList”进行重大更改的情况下,我能做些什么来解决这个问题吗?
- 这是一个糟糕的设计实践吗?
我使用的 IDE 是 Netbeans 7.2
- 如果没有指定泛型提示,Java 会忽略一个类的所有其他相关的泛型提示——这有点蹩脚,但我可以忍受。
- 使用泛型时,最佳实践是在创建类的实例时实际指定泛型类型。这似乎是最面向对象的解决方案。