我是 python 新手,我收到以下错误。
$ python testrun.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "testrun.py", line 13, in <module>
with open(tree, 'w') as file_handle:
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, lxml.etree._ElementTree found
from lxml import etree
tree = etree.parse('testregression_config.xml')
for elem in tree.findall('.//xmpp'):
#assert elem.attrib['name'] == 'test02'
elem.attrib['name'] == 'test03'
for elem in tree.findall('.//xmpp-config'):
#assert elem.text == 'QA'
elem.text = 'Prod'
with open(tree, 'w') as file_handle:
file_handle.write(etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='utf8'))
<test name="test02">
<system id="0" name="suite1" type="regression">
<system id="1" name="suite2" type="regression">
<system id="2" name="suite3" type="regression">
<system id="3" name="suite4" type="regression">
<system id="4" name="suite5" type="regression">