##substitute text with file depending on your input
##read in three strings separated by spaces, multi-line input
y <- scan(text=x,what=list(character(),character(),character())
##combine into a matrix of strings
y <- do.call(cbind,y)
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] "age 20" "weight 185" "height 72"
#[2,] "age 87" "weight 109" "height 60"
#[3,] "age 15" "weight 109" "height 58"
##set column names based on text from the first row
colnames(y) <- regmatches(y[1,],regexpr("^\\w+",y[1,]))
##remove non-numeric characters
y <- gsub("\\D+","",y)
##convert to number format, preserving matrix structure
y <- apply(y,2,as.numeric)
##convert to data frame (if necessary)
y <- data.frame(y)