我正在做一个基于 ARC 的项目。我正在从一个大文本文件中获取文本,需要从中删除空格或换行符。以下代码在模拟器上运行良好,但在 iPad 上崩溃并且无法完全运行(这可能是内存问题)。例如,如果循环需要运行 2000 次,它会在 iPad 上运行 1800 次后崩溃。
- (BOOL)formatTheText {
NSString *content = [NSString stringWithContentsOfURL:_textFileURL
NSRange paraRange = {0,1};
NSString *modifiedContent = @"";
BOOL previousLineWasEmpty = NO;
int lineNumber = 0;
while (paraRange.location < [content length]) {
NSRange currentParaRange = [content paragraphRangeForRange:paraRange];
NSString *paragraph = [content substringWithRange:currentParaRange];
NSCharacterSet *newLineSet = [NSCharacterSet newlineCharacterSet];
NSArray *array = [paragraph componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:newLineSet];
NSString *currentParagraph = @"";
for (NSString *line in array) {
currentParagraph = [currentParagraph stringByAppendingString:line];
// Add a space when combining two lines
modifiedContent = [modifiedContent stringByAppendingFormat:@"%@ ",currentParagraph];
paraRange.location += currentParaRange.length;
if ([currentParagraph length] == 0) {
// If previous line was empty just add a new line character
if (previousLineWasEmpty) {
modifiedContent = [modifiedContent stringByAppendingString:@"\n"];
} else {
// Add two lines for the start of a new paragraph
modifiedContent = [modifiedContent stringByAppendingString:@"\n\n"];
previousLineWasEmpty = YES;
} else {
previousLineWasEmpty = NO;
self.cleanedString = modifiedContent;
return YES;