



我们需要更改第一个函数。如您所见,在第一个函数中,我正在检查输入字符串的长度是否正常。如果长度是 13 个数字,我调用 JMBG,如果是 8,我调用 PIB 函数。那没问题。

但是我必须在第一个函数中检查其他类型的验证。正如我所说,我的 Excel 单元格包含 13 个数字或 8 个数字。我想在第一个函数中制定一些规则,告诉我我的单元格是否填充了除这 8 个数字或 13 之外的任何其他内容,然后向我发送消息,告诉我单元格中有错误,然后其他 2 个函数将不会不叫。如您所见,我需要验证。

示例:单元格 A1:1234567891234...有 13 个数字,JMBG 将被称为 08058808...有 8 个数字,PIB 将被称为 1234567890123aSdf​​~...错误,因为字段中有大小写字母和其他字符。

总而言之,我需要 8 个号码来呼叫 PIB,需要 13 个号码来呼叫 JMBG 以及除向我发送错误之外的任何其他号码。

Function ProvjeraID(ID As String) As String

If Len(ID) = 13 Then
ProvjeraID = Provjeri_JMBG(ID)
 'Exit Function
ElseIf Len(ID) = 8 Then
 ProvjeraID = ProvjeriPIB(ID)
 'Exit Function
 ProvjeraID = "Duzina je razlicita od 8 i od 13"
 'Exit Function
End If

End Function
Function Provjeri_JMBG(JMBG As String) As String
' Funkcija vraca tekst sa opisom ispravnosti JMBG
' Primijeniti na radnom listu uz pomoc komande: =Proveri_JMBG(adresa)

' Inicijalizacija promenljivih koje se koriste prilikom izrade koda
Dim duzina As Integer, zbir As Integer
Dim cifra(1 To 13) As Integer
Dim dan As Integer, mesec As Integer, godina As String

' Inicijalizacija konstanti
Const ERR_dan = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
Const ERR_mesec = "GREŠKA: podatak o mesecu neispravan!"
Const ERR_godina = "GREŠKA: podatak o godini neispravan!"
Const ERR_duzina = "GREŠKA: dužina razlicita od 13!"
Const ERR_kont = "GREŠKA: neispravan kontrolni broj!"
Const OK_JMBG = "JMBG je ispravan"

' Preuzimanje ulaznih vrednosti sa kojima ce se vrsiti operacije
duzina = Len(JMBG)
dan = Int(Left(JMBG, 2))
mesec = Int(Mid$(JMBG, 3, 2))
godina = Mid$(JMBG, 5, 3)

' Provjera dužine JMBG
If (duzina <> 13) Then
  Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: dužina razlicita od 13!"
  Exit Function
End If

' Provjera datuma
If dan < 1 Then
  Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
  Exit Function
End If

' Provjera mjeseca i dana u mjesecu
Select Case mesec
  Case 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12
    If dan > 31 Then
      Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
      Exit Function
    End If
  Case 4, 6, 9, 11
    If dan > 30 Then
      Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
      Exit Function
    End If
  Case 2
    If ((godina Mod 4 = 0) And dan > 29) Or _
       ((godina Mod 4 <> 0) And dan > 28) Then
      Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o datumu neispravan!"
      Exit Function
    End If
  Case Else
    Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o mesecu neispravan!"
    Exit Function
End Select

' Provjera godine: ispravne su od 1899 do tekuce godine
If (godina > Right(Str(Year(Now)), 3)) And (godina < "899") Then
  Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: podatak o godini neispravan!"
  Exit Function
End If

' Provjera kontrolnog broja
For i = 1 To 13
  cifra(i) = Int(Mid$(JMBG, i, 1))
Next i

zbir = cifra(13) + cifra(1) * 7 + cifra(2) * 6
zbir = zbir + cifra(3) * 5 + cifra(4) * 4
zbir = zbir + cifra(5) * 3 + cifra(6) * 2
zbir = zbir + cifra(7) * 7 + cifra(8) * 6
zbir = zbir + cifra(9) * 5 + cifra(10) * 4
zbir = zbir + cifra(11) * 3 + cifra(12) * 2

If (zbir Mod 11) <> 0 Then
  Provjeri_JMBG = "GREŠKA: neispravan kontrolni broj!"
  Provjeri_JMBG = "JMBG je ispravan"
End If

End Function
Public Function ProvjeriPIB(PIB As String)
Dim c0 As Integer
Dim c1 As Integer
Dim c2 As Integer
Dim c3 As Integer
Dim c4 As Integer
Dim c5 As Integer
Dim c6 As Integer
Dim c7 As Integer
Dim c8 As Integer
Dim zadnji As String
zadnji = Right(PIB, 1)
PIB = Left(PIB, 8)
If Len(PIB) <> 8 Then
   ProvjeriPIB = "PIB je OK"
       c8 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 1, 1)) + 10) Mod 10
       If c8 = 0 Then
         c8 = 10
       End If
       c8 = (c8 * 2) Mod 11
       c7 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 2, 1)) + c8) Mod 10
       If c7 = 0 Then
         c7 = 10
       End If
       c7 = (c7 * 2) Mod 11
       c6 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 3, 1)) + c7) Mod 10
       If c6 = 0 Then
         c6 = 10
       End If
       c6 = (c6 * 2) Mod 11
       c5 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 4, 1)) + c6) Mod 10
       If c5 = 0 Then
         c5 = 10
       End If
       c5 = (c5 * 2) Mod 11
       c4 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 5, 1)) + c5) Mod 10
       If c4 = 0 Then
         c4 = 10
       End If
       c4 = (c4 * 2) Mod 11
       c3 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 6, 1)) + c4) Mod 10
       If c3 = 0 Then
         c3 = 10
       End If
       c3 = (c3 * 2) Mod 11
       c2 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 7, 1)) + c3) Mod 10
       If c2 = 0 Then
         c2 = 10
       End If
       c2 = (c2 * 2) Mod 11
       c1 = (CInt(Mid(PIB, 8, 1)) + c2) Mod 10
       If c1 = 0 Then
         c1 = 10
       End If
       c1 = (c1 * 2) Mod 11
       c0 = (11 - c1) Mod 10
       If c0 <> zadnji Then
        ProvjeriPIB = "PIB je OK"
        ProvjeriPIB = "PIB nije OK"
       End If
       'return(pib || to_char(c0));

End If
End Function

4 回答 4


该解决方案基于regex脚本库。我已经使用了 3 个对象,但代码肯定会被修剪为只使用一个对象来检查您需要的所有三个条件。由于您想要有关您插入的文本的信息,因此我只使用了 3 条不同的regex规则。

Option Explicit

Sub TextNature()
Dim str  As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim objRegEx1 As Object, objRegEx2 As Object
Dim objRegEx3 As Object

str = Sheets(1).Range("A2").Value

'--check length
If Len(str) <> 13 Then
   Exit Sub
   strMsg = "Too lengthy...limit should be 13"
End If

Set objRegEx1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set objRegEx2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set objRegEx3 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx1.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx1.Global = True
objRegEx2.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx2.Global = True
objRegEx3.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx3.Global = True

objRegEx1.Pattern = "^\d+$" '-- only numbers
objRegEx2.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z]+$" '-- only lower upper letters
objRegEx3.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z\d]+$" '-- numbers and lower upper letters

If objRegEx1.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain only numbers"
ElseIf objRegEx2.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain only lower upper letters"
ElseIf objRegEx3.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain numbers and lower upper letters"
     strMsg = "not satisfying"
End If

End Sub

结果:使用 sub 作为函数:


OP 请求函数,长度限制为 8:

Option Explicit

Function TextNature(ByRef rng As Range) As String
Dim str  As String, strMsg As String
Dim objRegEx1 As Object, objRegEx2 As Object, objRegEx3 As Object

str = rng.Value
If Len(str) <> 8 Then
    TextNature = "Limit is not correct. It should be 8."
    Exit Function
End If

Set objRegEx1 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set objRegEx2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
Set objRegEx3 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
objRegEx1.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx1.Global = True
objRegEx2.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx2.Global = True
objRegEx3.IgnoreCase = False
objRegEx3.Global = True

objRegEx1.Pattern = "^\d+$" '-- only numbers
objRegEx2.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z]+$" '-- only lower/upper letters
objRegEx3.Pattern = "^[a-zA-Z\d]+$" '-- numbers and lower/upper letters

If objRegEx1.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain only numbers"
ElseIf objRegEx2.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain only lower upper letters"
ElseIf objRegEx3.Test(str) Then
    strMsg = "Contain numbers and lower upper letters"
     strMsg = "Not Satisfying"
End If

TextNature = strMsg
End Function
于 2013-01-29T09:57:31.367 回答

这样的事情应该会有所帮助 - 您可以在 select 语句中定义条件。这是一个UDF,所以将代码放入一个模块并输入=checkcell(A1)一个单元格。

Public Function CheckCell(ByVal CheckRange As Range) As String
Dim strChr As String, rngCheck As Range
Dim i As Integer, NPC As Integer, UC As Integer, LC As Integer, OT As Integer
Set rngCheck = Range("A1")
For i = 1 To rngCheck.Characters.Count
    strChr = rngCheck.Characters(i, 1).Text
    Select Case Asc(strChr)
        Case 0 To 31
            NPC = NPC + 1
        Case 96 To 122
            LC = LC + 1
        Case 65 To 90
            UC = UC + 1
        Case Else
            OT = OT + 1
    End Select
CheckCell = "NPC: " & NPC & " UC: " & UC & " LC: " & LC & " Others: " & OT
End Function
于 2013-01-29T09:57:02.860 回答


Function ProvjeraID2(oRng As Range) As String
    Dim sRet As String

    If Not oRng Is Nothing Then
        If IsNumeric(oRng.Value) Then
            If Len(oRng.Value) = 13 Then
                sRet = Provjeri_JMBG(CStr(oRng.Value))
            ElseIf Len(oRng.Value) = 8 Then
                sRet = ProvjeriPIB(CStr(oRng.Value))
                sRet = "Numeric but wrong length (" & Len(oRng.Value) & ")"
            End If
            sRet = "Not a number"
        End If
    End If

    ProvjeraID2 = sRet
End Function
于 2013-01-29T11:43:05.220 回答

如果基于公式的解决方案没问题 - 使用这个ARRAY公式(假设检查字符串在 中A1):

=IF(OR(NOT(ISERROR(SEARCH(ROW($1:$10)-1,A1)))),"Has digits","No digits")

并按CTRL+ SHIFT+ENTER而不是通常的ENTER- 这将定义一个 ARRAY 公式并在{}其周围产生括号(但不要手动输入它们!)。


于 2013-01-29T11:03:47.823 回答