$('#message').load('/searchresult.php<? echo $requeststring; ?>', function() {
加载带有搜索结果的页面,但是速度很慢,因为在加载图像之前它也不会显示。如何在加载 DOM 后立即显示 searchresult 的内容?
$('#message').load('/searchresult.php<? echo $requeststring; ?>', function() {
加载带有搜索结果的页面,但是速度很慢,因为在加载图像之前它也不会显示。如何在加载 DOM 后立即显示 searchresult 的内容?
$('#message').load(function() {
type: "GET",
url: '/searchresult.php<? echo $requeststring; ?>',
success: function (result) {
PS jQuery API 文档说If a "complete" callback is provided, it is executed after post-processing and HTML insertion has been performed. The callback is fired once for each element in the jQuery collection, and this is set to each DOM element in turn.
PPS 我的猜测是,由于每个函数一次处理一个的方式,这需要时间。