Possible Duplicate:
Which is the best method to apply a script repetitively to n .csv files in R?
I have a script that calculates kernel utilization distributions and generates a PDF of the summary plots. My script currently split the database by each "period" and uses a for loop to generate the KUD plots. I also have multiple csv files store in a directory that correspond to individual fish. What I would like is to use a function or loop to read all the files in the directory and run the script that will generate PDF plots for each individual fish and each period.
My script looks like this:
dd<-read.table(text="period dist depth
1 4916.64 8.661827
1 4916.64 14.789091
1 4916.64 13.555909
1 4916.64 12.92816
1 4916.64 11.708774
1 4916.64 15.28
1 4916.64 13.369875
1 4916.64 14.039655
1 4916.64 13.454545
1 4916.64 12.638261
1 4916.64 13.251081
1 4916.64 14.006341
1 4916.64 12.64
1 4916.64 15.521818
1 4916.64 10.202121
1 4916.64 14.816667
1 4916.64 15.504
1 9674.844 23.93
1 11000.151 22.157143
1 11414.31 22.72
1 11414.31 25.7
1 11414.31 19.07
1 11414.31 23.085714
1 9481.57 17.266667
1 11414.31 26.8
1 11414.31 19.382222
1 5616.09 12.016667
1 10658.02 18.873913
1 11414.31 25.2
1 11414.31 20.9
1 11414.31 27.65
1 11414.31 22.133333
1 11414.31 30.9
1 5616.09 23.3
2 11172.718 20.391667
2 9964.755 23.51
2 5616.09 19.43
2 5616.09 19.1
2 4916.64 18.42
2 8515.2 17.683333
2 11414.31 22.128571
2 11414.31 22.8608
2 10391.095 24.955882
2 10931.125 25.225
2 6444.407 20.228571
2 11276.257 23.77619
2 10585.993 23.285714
2 10641.214 20.653333
2 9757.676 24.007143
2 11414.31 18.817
2 11414.31 23.525
2 11414.31 22.873684
2 11414.31 26.15
2 10486.595 21.9
2 11000.151 24.142857
2 11414.31 24.3875
2 10819.621 20.569231
2 10360.088 29.345455
2 9708.951 21.488235
2 11414.31 30.775
2 11414.31 25.5
2 11414.31 18.477917
2 10327.144 26.8625
2 11414.31 26.12963
2 11414.31 29.28125
2 11414.31 23.166667
2 10689.532 21.8625
2 11414.31 28.328571
2 11414.31 22.563158
2 11414.31 25.490909
2 11414.31 26.0625
2 11414.31 34.5
2 11414.31 17.375294
# split database for each period
# run loop through each tag and create a PDF file with all KUD plots
pdf("KUD plot.pdf",width=11,height=8,paper="a4r")
for(j in 1:l){
# calculate the 2D kernel
## auto bandwidth selection
# Kernel contour plot
plot(ddhat,cont=c(95),drawpoints=TRUE,col="black",xlab="Distance (m)",lwd=2.5,
ylab="Depth (m)",ptcol="grey15",cex=0.7,
main=paste("Period"," - ",M[[j]]$dd.period[1]))
Any suggestions or ideas of how to improve the script will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!