我有复杂的查询并说它 $complexQuery,然后我需要从中获取所有数据行号而不需要数据结果。
我研究了 count_all_results() 我比 num_rows()
$complexQuery = 'Some sql query';
$q = $this->db->query($complexQuery);
$total1 = $q->num_rows();
现在我很困惑从该查询中获取所有总数据,关于使用 $this->db->count_all_results() 与该查询有什么建议吗?
== 通过编辑 DB_active_rec.php 解决 ==
public function from($from)
foreach ((array)$from as $val)
if (strpos($val, ',') !== FALSE)
foreach (explode(',', $val) as $v)
$v = trim($v);
$v = $this->ar_from[] = $this->_protect_identifiers($v, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
if ($this->ar_caching === TRUE)
$this->ar_cache_from[] = $v;
$this->ar_cache_exists[] = 'from';
$val = trim($val);
// Added to bypass from arr if $val contained 'select' for complex query
// $this->db->count_all_rows("select * from tableName")
// will be select count(1) from (select * from tableName)
if(FALSE !== strpos(strtolower($val),'select')){
$this->ar_from[] = "($val)";
// Extract any aliases that might exist. We use this information
// in the _protect_identifiers to know whether to add a table prefix
$this->ar_from[] = $val = $this->_protect_identifiers($val, TRUE, NULL, FALSE);
if ($this->ar_caching === TRUE)
$this->ar_cache_from[] = $val;
$this->ar_cache_exists[] = 'from';
return $this;