
我正在尝试使用动态 where 子句创建查询。该查询有一个默认的 where 子句,SessionId = ?无论从students and问题下拉菜单中选择哪个选项,它都会始终检查。

然后我有一个 php 代码,如果用户选择了单个学生或单个问题(或者换句话说,没有选择All All中的选项,则在 2 个下拉菜单中的任何一个中选择了选项,那么它不会All添加WHERE 子句的那些参数。student drop down menu or the user has not selectedin the question drop down menu). If the


Warning: mysqli::prepare(): (42000/1064): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'WHERE q.SessionId = ?' at line 15 in ... on line 320 

Fatal error: Call to a member function bind_param() on a non-object in ... on line 322

我的问题是我需要在下面的 mysqli 和 php 代码中整理什么才能修复错误?


$selectedstudentanswerqry = "
StudentAlias, StudentForename, StudentSurname, q.SessionId, QuestionNo, QuestionContent, o.OptionType, q.NoofAnswers, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT Answer
ORDER BY Answer SEPARATOR ',' ) AS Answer, r.ReplyType, QuestionMarks, 
GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT StudentAnswer ORDER BY StudentAnswer SEPARATOR ',') AS StudentAnswer, ResponseTime, MouseClick, StudentMark
FROM Student s
INNER JOIN Student_Answer sa ON (s.StudentId = sa.StudentId)
INNER JOIN Student_Response sr ON (sa.StudentId = sr.StudentId)
INNER JOIN Question q ON (sa.QuestionId = q.QuestionId)
INNER JOIN Answer an ON q.QuestionId = an.QuestionId
LEFT JOIN Reply r ON q.ReplyId = r.ReplyId
LEFT JOIN Option_Table o ON q.OptionId = o.OptionId

// Initially empty
$where = array('q.SessionId = ?');
$parameters = array($_POST["session"]);
$parameterTypes = 'i';

// Check whether a specific student was selected
if($_POST["student"] !== 'All') {
    $where[] = 'sa.StudentId = ?';
    $parameters[] = $_POST["student"];
    $parameterTypes .= 'i';

// Check whether a specific question was selected
// NB: This is not an else if!
if($_POST["question"] !== 'All') {
    $where[] = 'q.QuestionId = ?';
    $parameters[] = $_POST["question"];
    $parameterTypes .= 'i';

$selectedstudentanswerqry .= "
GROUP BY sa.StudentId, q.QuestionId
ORDER BY StudentAlias, q.SessionId, QuestionNo

// If we added to $where in any of the conditionals, we need a WHERE clause in
// our query
if(!empty($where)) {
    $selectedstudentanswerqry .= ' WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where);
    global $mysqli;
    $selectedstudentanswerstmt=$mysqli->prepare($selectedstudentanswerqry); //line 320 error
    // You only need to call bind_param once
    $selectedstudentanswerstmt->bind_param($parameterTypes,implode($parameters)); //line 322 error

// get result and assign variables (prefix with db)
$selectedstudentanswernum = $selectedstudentanswerstmt->num_rows(); 

2 回答 2


看起来您在 WHERE 语句之前执行了 GROUP BY 和 ORDER BY。


$selectedstudentanswerqry .= "
  GROUP BY sa.StudentId, q.QuestionId
  ORDER BY StudentAlias, q.SessionId, QuestionNo

在你的 if 语句之后,

if(!empty($where)) {
于 2013-01-29T03:59:55.187 回答

回显查询您WHERE之前的位置不正确GROUP BY

于 2013-01-29T04:50:59.787 回答