Script is successfully retrieving data but I can not get the results of the "row" to display using underscore.js. The specific point of failure is the "var = resultContentTemplate". Can not figure this out.
var symbols = symbols || ['GOOG','A','AA','AAN'];
var yqlUrl = "";
var historicalUrl = '';
var queryTemplate = _.template("select * from csv where url='" + historicalUrl + "?s=<%= symbol %>&f=n0s0l1' and columns='name,symbol,LastTradePriceOnly'");
var resultPlaceholderTemplate = _.template(
'<li id="<%= id %>">Please wait, Loading quotes...</li>');
var resultContentTemplate = _.template(
+ '<li><% _.each(results, function(row) { %>'
+ '< %>'
+ '<%=row.symbol %>'
+ '<%=row.LastTradePriceOnly %>'
+ '<% }); %>'
+ '</li>'
+ '</ul>');
// display the results of the query, replacing the 'loading' placeholder
function displayResult(id, queryResult, symbol) {
var resultsAsHtml = resultContentTemplate({results: queryResult.row, symbol: symbol});
$('#' + id).html(resultsAsHtml);
_.each(symbols, function(symbol) {
var resultId = _.uniqueId();
// lay down a placeholder
$('#resultContainer').append(resultPlaceholderTemplate({id:resultId, symbol:symbol}));
url: yqlUrl,
data: {q: queryTemplate({symbol:symbol}), format: 'json'},
context: $('#resultContainer')
}).done(function(output) {
var response = _.isString(output) ? JSON.parse(output) : output;
displayResult(resultId, response.query.results, symbol);
}).fail(function(err) {
console.log('the thing failed with an error');