对于像这样的表达式,我有一个有区别的联合(EQ =; GT >; 等)
(AND (OR (EQ X 0)
(GT X 10))
(OR (EQ Y 0)
(GT Y 10)))
我想从保存在文件/数据库中的此类表达式创建 DU 的实例。我该怎么做?如果不可行,在 F# 中处理它的最佳方法是什么?
Daniel:这些表达式以前缀格式(如上)保存为文本,将在 F# 中解析。谢谢。
对于像这样的表达式,我有一个有区别的联合(EQ =; GT >; 等)
(AND (OR (EQ X 0)
(GT X 10))
(OR (EQ Y 0)
(GT Y 10)))
我想从保存在文件/数据库中的此类表达式创建 DU 的实例。我该怎么做?如果不可行,在 F# 中处理它的最佳方法是什么?
Daniel:这些表达式以前缀格式(如上)保存为文本,将在 F# 中解析。谢谢。
If you just want to know how to model these expressions using DUs, here's one way:
type BinaryOp =
| EQ
| GT
type Expr =
| And of Expr * Expr
| Or of Expr * Expr
| Binary of BinaryOp * Expr * Expr
| Var of string
| Value of obj
let expr =
Binary(EQ, Var("X"), Value(0)),
Binary(GT, Var("X"), Value(10))),
Binary(EQ, Var("Y"), Value(0)),
Binary(GT, Var("Y"), Value(10))))
Now, this may be too "loose," i.e., it permits expressions like And(Value(1), Value(2))
, which may not be valid according to your grammar. But this should give you an idea of how to approach it.
There are also some good examples in the F# Programming wikibook.
If you need to parse these expressions, I highly recommend FParsec.
type BinOp = | And | Or
type Comparison = | Gt | Eq
type Expr =
| BinOp of BinOp * Expr * Expr
| Comp of Comparison * string * int
module private Parsing =
// recognize and strip a leading literal
let (|Lit|_|) lit (s:string) =
if s.StartsWith(lit) then Some(s.Substring lit.Length)
else None
// strip leading whitespace
let (|NoWs|) (s:string) =
s.TrimStart(' ', '\t', '\r', '\n')
// parse a binary operator
let (|BinOp|_|) = function
| Lit "AND" r -> Some(And, r)
| Lit "OR" r -> Some(Or, r)
| _ -> None
// parse a comparison operator
let (|Comparison|_|) = function
| Lit "GT" r -> Some(Gt, r)
| Lit "EQ" r -> Some(Eq, r)
| _ -> None
// parse a variable (alphabetical characters only)
let (|Var|_|) s =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, "^[a-zA-Z]+")
if m.Success then
Some(m.Value, s.Substring m.Value.Length)
// parse an integer
let (|Int|_|) s =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(s, @"^-?\d+")
if m.Success then
Some(int m.Value, s.Substring m.Value.Length)
// parse an expression
let rec (|Expr|_|) = function
| NoWs (Lit "(" (BinOp (b, Expr(e1, Expr(e2, Lit ")" rest))))) ->
Some(BinOp(b, e1, e2), rest)
| NoWs (Lit "(" (Comparison (c, NoWs (Var (v, NoWs (Int (i, Lit ")" rest))))))) ->
Some(Comp(c, v, i), rest)
| _ -> None
let parse = function
| Parsing.Expr(e, "") -> e
| s -> failwith (sprintf "Not a valid expression: %s" s)
let e = parse @"
(AND (OR (EQ X 0)
(GT X 10))
(OR (EQ Y 0)
(GT Y 10)))"