我不知道这是否有帮助,但这是我用来生成随机字符串的类。在生成字符串之前使用它时,有复选框来决定它是否必须至少有 1 个大写字母/符号/数字等。对某些人来说可能很冗长,但它对我有用。
class RandomString
private bool m_HasCaps;
private bool m_HasNumbers;
private bool m_HasSymbols;
private int m_StringLength;
private string characterString;
private string randomString;
//Set possible characters to char array rather than a string for potential future method involving chars
private char[] lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray();
private char[] upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ".ToCharArray();
private char[] numbers = "0123456789".ToCharArray();
private char[] symbols = "!£$%&()<>[]?#-+=".ToCharArray();
/// <summary>
/// The returned string can contain just lowercase or a mixture of upper, digits and symbols depending on params and
/// the lenght of the string return can also be set
/// </summary>
/// <param name="caps">Does the string need to conatain at least 1 upper case</param>
/// <param name="nums">does the string need to contain at least 1 numeral</param>
/// <param name="symbols">does the string need to contain at least 1 symbol</param>
/// <param name="length">the length of the string to return </param>
public RandomString(bool caps, bool nums,bool symbols,int length)
m_HasCaps = caps;
m_HasNumbers = nums;
m_HasSymbols = symbols;
m_StringLength = length;
public string CreatePassword()
return randomString;
//Check to see what the string must contain and add those characters to the
//Character string
private void BuildCharacterstring()
characterString = new string(lower);
if (m_HasCaps)
string upperString = new string(upper);
characterString += upperString;
if (m_HasNumbers)
string numberString = new string(numbers);
characterString += numberString;
if (m_HasSymbols)
string symbolString = new string(symbols);
characterString += symbolString;
private void BuildRandomString()
Random rdm = new Random();
bool validPassword = false;
while (validPassword == false)
//blank the string before each run otherwise you end up with double the characters
randomString = "";
for (int x = 0; x < m_StringLength; x++)
//select a char from the password character string
int place = rdm.Next(0, characterString.Length);
char character = characterString[place];
randomString += character;
//Check that the password has the appropriate characters
validPassword = CheckParams();
//checks that each required preference is met and that the string includes at least 1 of what
//is selected. If the parameter is not required ie symbols are not required set it to true to pass
//the test anyway.
private bool CheckParams()
bool capsPassed;
bool numeralPassed;
bool symbolPassed;
bool lowerPassed;
//If caps are not required set to true to pass the test automatically
if(m_HasCaps == false)
capsPassed = true;
//check if the password contains an uppercase letter
capsPassed = (randomString.Any(char.IsUpper)) ? true : false;
if(m_HasNumbers == false)
numeralPassed = true;
numeralPassed = (randomString.Any(char.IsDigit)) ? true : false;
if(m_HasSymbols == false)
symbolPassed = true;
symbolPassed = (randomString.Any(char.IsSymbol)) ? true : false;
lowerPassed = (randomString.Any(char.IsLower)) ? true : false;
//All 4 must pass to return true and stop password generation
if (capsPassed && numeralPassed && symbolPassed &&lowerPassed)
return true;
return false;