Apologies if this has already been asked! I have outsourced the development of an app (IOS and Android) that has a maps function built in. When the app is opened it brings up the users current location on a map. The second half of the page is meant to show the actual address, and nearby addresses.


10 Commerce Street, Auckland, NZ 9 Commerce Street, Auckland, NZ 1/11 Commerce Street, Auckland, NZ Mobil Petrol Station, 12 Commerce Street, Auckland, NZ

This part doesnt work at all and is only showing landmarks. The email from the devloper states

"The project we are using given url for finding nearst location. we already have done a lot of R&D and found that below url better than others. if you suggest any other url then plz let me know.


This URL still only has placemarks.

I really need help! Ive seen it done in other apps and I was hoping it was something google offered. Basically im hoping for an API that I can send to the developer to use.

I am not a technical person at all so hope this makes a little sense :)

Thanks heaps in advance



1 回答 1


Google Maps API 可以做到这一点!它被称为“地理编码”。您可以在https://developers.google.com/maps/找到更多信息和 API 参考

(编辑:现在,稍微浏览一下;我认为你应该专门检查“JavaScript API”部分......)

于 2013-01-28T06:35:04.043 回答