I'm very new to using std and I'm currently trying to call into a function that takes an std::function as a param. Something similar to below:

In the .h file in one lib:

typedef bool t (/*Params*/);

void __stdcall Foo(std::function<t> &function) {m_function = function;}

std::function<t> m_function;

I imported the lib and tried to use Foo in another cpp file:

bool Implementation (/*Params*/)
   // Implementation

void Bar()
    Foo(std::function<t> (Implementation));

I'm getting a linker error (LNK2019) when I compile for x86 (but not x64) because of the calling convention:

Unresolved External Symbol __stdcall Foo (class std::tr1::function<bool __cdecl(/*Params*/) const&)

From this I gathered that I need to mark "t" and Implementation as __stdcall but doing so causes other compile failures. I should also note the code compiled correctly when it was being built in the same lib. Is there a way to associate a calling convention to an std::function?


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void Foo(const std::function<bool()> &func)

bool Implementation (/*Params*/)
  cout << "Implementation"<<endl;
  return true;

void Bar()

int main()
  return 0;
于 2013-01-28T02:40:37.767 回答