用一些关于在指向有符号和无符号类型的指针之间转换的知识武装自己,然后你应该设置为使用String::String(SByte*, Int32, Int32)
. 阅读页面上的备注也可能是值得的,特别是关于编码。
// Null terminated ASCII characters in a simple char array
char charArray3[4] = {0x41,0x42,0x43,0x00};
char * pstr3 = &charArray3[ 0 ];
String^ szAsciiUpper = gcnew String( pstr3 );
char charArray4[4] = {0x61,0x62,0x63,0x00};
char * pstr4 = &charArray4[ 0 ];
String^ szAsciiLower = gcnew String( pstr4,0,sizeof(charArray4) );
// Prints "ABC abc"
Console::WriteLine( String::Concat( szAsciiUpper, " ", szAsciiLower ) );
// Compare Strings - the result is true
Console::WriteLine( String::Concat( "The Strings are equal when capitalized ? ", (0 == String::Compare( szAsciiUpper->ToUpper(), szAsciiLower->ToUpper() ) ? (String^)"TRUE" : "FALSE") ) );
// This is the effective equivalent of another Compare method, which ignores case
Console::WriteLine( String::Concat( "The Strings are equal when capitalized ? ", (0 == String::Compare( szAsciiUpper, szAsciiLower, true ) ? (String^)"TRUE" : "FALSE") ) );