我遇到了一个问题,我试图将提交按钮的值与表单一起传递给 ajax,但由于某种原因,无论我按下哪个按钮,唯一传递的值都是第一个按钮。表单还有更多内容,但我只是显示按钮。

    <input type="submit" name"finalize_invoice" id="finalize_invoice" value="Delete" />
    <input type="submit" name"finalize_invoice" id="finalize_invoice" value="Save" />
    <input type="submit" name"finalize_invoice" id="finalize_invoice" value="Finalize" />
            $("form#submit").submit(function() {
            // we want to store the values from the form input box, then send via ajax below
            var invoice_temp_id = $('#invoice_temp_id').attr('value');
            var man_part_number = $('#man_part_number').attr('value');
            var customer = $('#customer').attr('value');
            var date = $('#date').attr('value');
            var shipdate = $('#shipdate').attr('value');
            var shipvia = $('#shipvia').attr('value');
            var ponumber = $('#ponumber').attr('value');
            var rep = $('#rep').attr('value');
            var invoicenotes = $('#invoicenotes').attr('value');
            var serial_number = $('#serial_number').attr('value');
            var skid = $('#skid').attr('value');
            var finalize_invoice = $('#finalize_invoice').attr('value');
            type: "POST",
            url: "includes/createfinalinvoice.php?",
            data: "invoice_temp_id="+ invoice_temp_id+
                "&man_part_number="+ man_part_number+
                "&customer="+ customer+
                "&date="+ date+
                "&shipdate="+ shipdate+
                "&shipvia="+ shipvia+
                "&ponumber="+ ponumber+
                "&rep="+ rep+
                "&invoicenotes="+ invoicenotes+
                "&serial_number="+ serial_number+
                "&skid="+ skid+
                "&finalize_invoice="+ finalize_invoice+
                $( this ).serialize(),
                success: function(data){
                    if (data == 1) {
                        var thiserror = 'You may not have any blank fields, please make sure there is a serial number in each field';
                    if (data == 2) {
                        var thiserror = 'Your serial number(s) do not match with the Manufacture Part Numbers, please double check your list';
                    if (data == 3) {
                        var thiserror = 'Some of your serial numbers are not located in the database, please make sure you entered the correct serial number';
                    if (data == 4) {
                        var thiserror = 'This item has already been sold to another customer. Please report this to administration';
                    if (data == 5) {
                        var thiserror = 'Everything went OK, you may continue and view the processed invoice';
                    if (data == 6) {
                        var thiserror = 'There are no default prices setup for this customer matching the Manufacture Part Numbers. Please check and make sure they all exist before processing this list';
                    if (data == 7) {
                        window.location = ('/admin/?mmcustomers=1&viewinvoice=1');

            return false;

2 回答 2

    <input type="button" name"del_button" id="del_btn" value="Delete" />
    <input type="button" name"save_button" id="save_btn" value="Save" />
    <input type="button" name"finalize_button" id="finalize_btn" value="Finalize" />

        var clicked_btn = '';
        $('form').submit(function(){ return false; });
        $('form input[type=button]').click(function(){ 
             clicked_btn = $(this).attr('id'); 
             return false; 
于 2013-01-27T22:25:43.220 回答

您有三个具有相同s 的submit按钮。但是 s 必须是唯一的。这就是原因,jquery 只选择第一个按钮,无论单击哪个按钮。如果要使用单击按钮发送请求,请将函数绑定到单击事件idfinalize_invoiceidbutton

$('form#submit input[type="submit"]').click(function() {
    var finalize_invoice = $(this).attr('value');
    return false;

正如@thaJeztah 建议的那样,抑制提交事件form

$('form#submit').submit(function() {
    return false;
于 2013-01-27T22:27:02.223 回答