我是使用 git 的新手,所以很抱歉我遗漏了一些从git book中应该很明显的东西。

我想在 .a 之后查看项目的源代码,git clonegit-clone所做的只是下载.pack. ./objects/pack如何将 a 提取.pack到源代码文件中?

git unpack-objects的输出路径是什么?


2 回答 2


Unless your upstream repo (the one you are cloning) is empty, you should see the content of its default branch (usually master, unless its symbolic-ref has set to point to am empty branch) in your working tree:

 git clone url/repoA
 cd repoA
 git branch # to see in which branch you are

Only git clone --bare would generate an empty working tree (since it would only create a git directory repoA.git, and no working tree at all).

于 2013-01-27T20:34:24.503 回答


git checkout develop
于 2014-01-06T23:10:12.140 回答