R 中的库,想知道是否可以获得与搜索或时间线相关的时间戳。例如,如果使用 searchTwitter 搜索#rstats,我想知道推文是何时发布的……是否需要解析其他参数才能获取该信息?
[1] "MinneAnalytics: @thomaswdinsmore RT @erikriverson: Some thoughts from an observer on the #Rstats track at #BigDataMN. http://t.co/i42PEQHz #R at #CSOM"
[1] "pentalibra: My package ggdendro to draw dendrograms with ggplot2 is back on CRAN. http://t.co/gMviOSnQ Wait a day or so for Windows binary/ #rstats"
[1] "Lachamadice: RT @freakonometrics: \"Regression tree using Gini's index\" http://t.co/tUplMqQj with #rstats"
[1] "Rbloggers: Tracking Number of Historical Clusters: \n(This article was first published on Systematic Investor » R,... http://t.co/jRnWUQ2Y #rstats"
[1] "Rbloggers: ggplot2 multiple boxplots with metadata: \n(This article was first published on mintgene » R, and kindl... http://t.co/re2gghTx #rstats"
[1] "Rbloggers: Learning R using a Chemical Reaction Engineering Book: Part 3: \n(This article was first published on N... http://t.co/agCJi9Rr #rstats"
[1] "Rbloggers: Learning R using a Chemical Reaction Engineering Book: Part 2: \n(This article was first published on N... http://t.co/2qqpgQrq #rstats"
[1] "Rbloggers: Waiting for an API request to complete: \n(This article was first published on Recology - R, and kindly... http://t.co/MZzxHVdw #rstats"
[1] "heidelqekhse3: RT @geospacedman: Just got an openlayers map working on an #rstats #shiny app at #nhshd but... meh."
[1] "jveik: Slides and replay of “Using R with Hadoop” webinar now available #rstats #hadoop | @scoopit http://t.co/Ar2F7We3"