关于这个主题有很多问题,但我没有找到任何关于我的问题的确切答案。我正在构建一个 django 应用程序,用户可以在其中存储照片并且它们是私有的。在向他们显示缩略图时,我必须通过从 S3 生成签名 url 来显示缩略图。但这需要相当长的时间。我想知道有没有更好的选择,我错过了。???

Sorl-Thumbnail 也有同样的问题。我看过它并没有找到更好的选择。有没有其他选项可以看到图像的来源?这也可能奏效。请尽快帮助我


1 回答 1


It's not entirely clear what you are asking, but sounds like you have some slowness because you are generating thumbnails on the fly. If that's the case, you could improve performance pre-generating the thumbnails-- generate them when you store the image instead of when you request them.

I don't see much room for improvement if you are concerned with the performance of signed requests because your images are private in S3, without changing your application design. In some cases, it's acceptable to use hard-to-guess URLs for private photos. For example, I believe Flickr does that.

于 2013-03-28T18:29:39.107 回答