I'm using a Carousel in the link below under the section "PROPERTY DOCUMENTS". In IE 8 the li's are looking weird they aren't wide like they look in modern browsers.
Is there a simple fix on this so that it can look good in IE8? Right now I have the following custom attributes on the li's but am having no luck. They aren't showing up at all in IE7 so I'm hoping that this fix will have them show up in IE7 also.
.boutique img{
.boutique a {
.boutique li {
I just recently took out the css I had. It was making things worse.
Here is the jQuery...
container_width: 200,
front_img_width: 58,
front_img_height: 72,
starter: 3,
speed: 900,
hovergrowth: 0.2,
behind_opacity: 0.3,
back_opacity: 1,
frames: 3,
autoplay: false,
hovergrowth: 0,
freescroll: false,
move_on_hover: false,
text_front_only: true,
and the link to the jQuery file. http://landpros.turnpostinteractive.com/javascripts/jquery.boutique.js
Here is the HTML to the boutique.
<div id="parent">
<img id="prev-boutique" src="images/details-page/prev.png" onclick="boutique_previous()" />
<img id="next-boutique" src="images/details-page/next.png" onclick="boutique_next()" />
<!-- The Boutique HTML: -->
<ul id="boutique">
<a href="#frame1">
<img src="images/details-page/round-about.jpg">
<span>Optional description.</span>
<a href="#frame1">
<img src="images/details-page/round-about.jpg">
<span>Optional description.</span>
<a href="#frame1">
<img src="images/details-page/round-about.jpg">
<span>Optional description.</span>
Here is a link to what its doing in ie8... http://imgur.com/5LWsXal
Any help would be awesome! Thank you!