I'm trying to create a report/logger Class in c++.
I want to have in the main an object called Report and apply to this class the operator << to write to file multiple strings just like ofstream does.
So instead of using the following code:
ofstream myfile ("d://example.txt");
if (myfile.is_open())
myfile << "This is a line.\n" << "Heya!!!" << endl;
I would like to have something like the following :
Report rLogger ("d://example.txt"); // Report C'tor (const string& s)
logger << "This is a line.\n" << "Heya!!!" << endl;
// the destructor of rLogger will close the file when it dies...
I just can't find out a way to write the operator << as a member function which seems exactly what I need here. The only way I can use the operator << is as friend which isn't helpful in this case. Can someone give me an idea how can I implement it as above?
Thank in advance, Guy