I have a score system that counts how much question I answered in my quiz app. In onPause()
, I write the count of played questions in database.
protected void onPause(){
SpielDBOpenHandler sdb = new SpielDBOpenHandler(Allgemeinwissen.this);
sdb.insert(3, fragencount, 3, 4);
That works fine.
I raise the score in an onClick
method of a button:
fragencount += 1;
Now, when I close the app via home button and reopen it and press back, it counts two times. When I totally close my app and open a new task of the app, it counts normally. What can I do?
The button listener looks like this:
ausw = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btAuswertung);
ausw.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
fragencount += 1
Ok I know know that onPause() isCalled when I press the home button to temporarily close the app and again when I am in the app again and press the back button. Is there a way that onPause()
isn´t called when I temporarily close the app via home button?