



2 回答 2


All you have to do is Google PHP comment box tutorial and you will find several tutorials on how to do this. The answer is too long to put in this answer, so I will include a link to a tutorial that I found. You may have to modify this a bit to include your specific field, but everything you need to know is in this tutorial.

www.findsource.com tutorial: http://www.findsourcecode.com/php/commentbox.htm

In order to have this comment section on every page you would need to add the following code to each form:

<input type="hidden" name="Mid" value="musician-id#">

Then when you display the comments, you jut have to modify the query to something like:

SELECT * FROM tblname WHERE Mid = musician-id#

This will now work on each biography page.

于 2013-01-26T16:28:07.900 回答


SELECT [...] FROM `comments` WHERE MusicianID = [id]
于 2013-01-26T16:24:14.450 回答