背景:想象一下我有一个小机器人。我将此机器人放置在地图(图表)中的某个节点处。机器人可以调用 giveMeMapCopy() 方法来获取他所在的整个地图的副本。我想给我的小机器人一个函数,通过它他可以使用广度优先遍历来找到到 Exit 节点的最短路径. 以下是此类地图的示例:
我在 YouTube 上观看了有关如何对图进行广度优先遍历的视频,因此我很清楚需要做什么。问题是,我发现很难让我的逻辑递归。这是我的代码:
public class Robot
// fields required for traversal
private Queue<ArrayList<String>> queue;
private ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> result;
private String workingNode;
private ArrayList<String> routeSoFar;
private Queue<String> knownShortestPath;
public Robot() {
queue = new LinkedList<ArrayList<String>>();
result = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
routeSoFar = new ArrayList<String>();
knownShortestPath = new LinkedList<String>();
// Runs when Robot has reached a node.
public void enterNodeActions() {
knownShortestPath = determineIdealPath();
// Runs to determine where to go next
public String chooseNextNode() {
// TODO: Need to go through the
public LinkedList<String> determineIdealPath()
try {
// Get the map
Map m = giveMeMapCopy();
// Get all entry nodes of map
Set<String> entryNodes = m.getEntryNodes();
* Loop through all Entry nodes, and find out where we are.
* Set that as current working node.
for (String n : entryNodes) {
if(n == getMyLocation())
workingNode = n;
// All enighbours of working node.
Set<String> neighboursNames = getNeighboursNames(workingNode);
* For each neighbour, construct a path from working node to the neighbour node
* And add path to Queue and Result (if not already present).
for(String node : neighboursNames)
ArrayList<String> route = new ArrayList<String>();
if(!containsRoute(result, route))
if(!containsRoute(queue, route))
} catch (Exception e) {
我希望递归发生的地方是在我遍历了入口节点 [A] 的所有邻居之后,我想移动到下一个 [B] 并为此做同样的事情,即遍历它的每个邻居(忽略 A ,因为它已经存在于结果列表中)并将它们添加到队列和结果列表中。