假设我有一个正整数数组;我想操纵顺序,以便结果数组的串联是可能的最大数字。例如[97, 9, 13]结果99713[9,1,95,17,5]结果9955171。我不确定答案。


8 回答 8


sorted(x, cmp=lambda a, b: -1 if str(b)+str(a) < str(a)+str(b) else 1)

于 2013-01-26T04:39:58.187 回答

Intuitively, we can see that a reverse sort of single digit numbers would lead to the higest number:

>>> ''.join(sorted(['1', '5', '2', '9'], reverse=True))

so reverse sorting should work. The problem arises when there are multi-digit snippets in the input. Here, intuition again lets us order 9 before 95 and 17 before 1, but why does that work? Again, if they had been the same length, it would have been clear how to sort them:

95 < 99
96 < 97
14 < 17

The trick then, is to 'extend' shorter numbers so they can be compared with the longer ones and can be sorted automatically, lexicographically. All you need to do, really, is to repeat the snippet to beyond the maximum length:

  • comparing 9 and 95: compare 999 and 9595 instead and thus 999 comes first.
  • comparing 1 and 17: compare 111 and 1717 instead and thus 1717 comes first.
  • comparing 132 and 13: compare 132132 and 1313 instead and thus 132132 comes first.
  • comparing 23 and 2341: compare 232323 and 23412341 instead and thus 2341 comes first.

This works because python only needs to compare the two snippets until they differ somewhere; and it's (repeating) matching prefixes that we need to skip when comparing two snippets to determine which order they need to be in to form a largest number.

You only need to repeat a snippet until it is longer than the longest snippet * 2 in the input to guarantee that you can find the first non-matching digit when comparing two snippets.

You can do this with a key argument to sorted(), but you need to determine the maximum length of the snippets first. Using that length, you can 'pad' all snippets in the sort key until they are longer than that maximum length:

def largestpossible(snippets):
    snippets = [str(s) for s in snippets]
    mlen = max(len(s) for s in snippets) * 2  # double the length of the longest snippet
    return ''.join(sorted(snippets, reverse=True, key=lambda s: s*(mlen//len(s)+1)))

where s*(mlen//len(s)+1) pads the snippet with itself to be more than mlen in length.

This gives:

>>> combos = {
...     '12012011': [1201, 120, 1],
...     '87887': [87, 878],
...     '99713': [97, 9, 13],
...     '9955171': [9, 1, 95, 17, 5],
...     '99799713': [97, 9, 13, 979],
...     '10100': [100, 10],
...     '13213': [13, 132],
...     '8788717': [87, 17, 878],
...     '93621221': [936, 21, 212],
...     '11101110': [1, 1101, 110],
... }
>>> def test(f):
...     for k,v in combos.items():
...         print '{} -> {} ({})'.format(v, f(v), 'correct' if f(v) == k else 'incorrect, should be {}'.format(k))
>>> test(largestpossible)
[97, 9, 13] -> 99713 (correct)
[1, 1101, 110] -> 11101110 (correct)
[936, 21, 212] -> 93621221 (correct)
[13, 132] -> 13213 (correct)
[97, 9, 13, 979] -> 99799713 (correct)
[87, 878] -> 87887 (correct)
[1201, 120, 1] -> 12012011 (correct)
[100, 10] -> 10100 (correct)
[9, 1, 95, 17, 5] -> 9955171 (correct)
[87, 17, 878] -> 8788717 (correct)

Note that this solution is a) 3 lines short and b) works on Python 3 as well without having to resort to functools.cmp_to_key() and c) does not bruteforce the solution (which is what the itertools.permutations option does).

于 2013-01-26T18:10:03.123 回答


于 2013-01-25T23:46:36.050 回答
import itertools
nums =  ["9", "97", "13"]
m = max(("".join(p) for p in itertools.permutations(nums)), key = int)

您可以按照提示使用 itertools.permutations 并在将它们与 join 函数连接后使用 max 函数的 key 参数(它告诉将哪个函数应用于每个元素以确定最大值)。


于 2013-01-26T00:23:37.153 回答




def compareInts(a,b):
    # create string representations
    sa = str(a)
    sb = str(b)

    # compare character by character, left to right
    # up to first inequality
    # if you hit the end of one str before the other, 
    # and all is equal up til then, continue to next step
    for i in xrange(min(len(sa), len(sb))):
        if sa[i] > sb[i]:
            return 1
        elif sa[i] < sb[i]:
            return -1

    # if we got here, they are both identical up to the length of the shorter
    # one.
    # this means we need to compare the shorter number again to the 
    # remainder of the longer
    # at this point we need to know which is shorter
    if len(sa) > len(sb): # sa is longer, so slice it
        return compareInts(sa[len(sb):], sb)
    elif len(sa) < len(sb): # sb is longer, slice it
        return compareInts(sa, sb[len(sa):])
        # both are the same length, and therefore equal, return 0
        return 0

def NumberFromList(numlist):
    return int(''.join('{}'.format(n) for n in numlist))

nums = [97, 9, 13, 979]
sortednums = sorted(nums, cmp = compareInts, reverse = True)
print nums # [97, 9, 13, 979]
print sortednums # [9, 979, 97, 13]
print NumberFromList(sortednums) # 99799713
于 2013-01-26T01:18:37.190 回答





def compare(s1, s2):
    if len(s1) == len(s2):
        return -1 if s1 > s2 else int(s2 > s1)
    s1x, s2x = s1, s2
    m = max(len(s1), len(s2))
    while len(s1x) < m:
        s1x = s1x + s1
    s1x = s1x[:m]
    while len(s2x) < m:
        s2x = s2x + s2
    s2x = s2x[:m]
    return -1 if s1x > s2x or (s1x == s2x and len(s1) > len(s2)) else 1

def solve_puzzle(seq):
    return ''.join(sorted([str(x) for x in seq], cmp=compare))

>>> solve_puzzle([9, 1, 95, 17, 5])
>>> solve_puzzle([97, 9, 13])
>>> solve_puzzle([936, 21, 212])
>>> solve_puzzle([87, 17, 878])
>>> solve_puzzle([97, 9, 13, 979])


于 2013-01-26T02:27:14.757 回答


from itertools import permutations
lst = [9, 1, 95, 17, 5]

max(int(''.join(str(x) for x in y)) for y in permutations(lst))
=> 9955171

或者这个,@Zah 的答案的改编,它接收整数列表并返回一个整数,如问题中所指定:

int(max((''.join(y) for y in permutations(str(x) for x in lst)), key=int))
=> 9955171
于 2013-01-26T00:31:05.540 回答
import itertools
def largestInt(a):
    b = list(itertools.permutations(a))
    c = []
    x = ""
    for i in xrange(len(b)):
        c.append(x.join(map(str, b[i])))
    return max(c)
于 2016-08-13T16:14:31.060 回答