我正在尝试在服务器端发布 facebook 和 twitter 帖子。因此,您单击一个按钮:如果您没有连接,它允许您连接并打开一个对话框叠加层以允许您发布 facebook/twitter 帖子;如果您已连接,它只会打开覆盖。Facebook 之所以有效,是因为我可以在客户端轻松获取所有 oAuth 密钥,然后将它们传递给服务器。我如何在 Twitter 中做到这一点?
(PS:这是一个完全 AJAX 的网站,所以我不能指望页面刷新)
在 facebook 我这样做:
if (FB) {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
$.getJSON(window.page.services + "StoreAuthToken", { type: "facebook", socialId: response.authResponse.userID, authId: response.authResponse.accessToken, expiresInSeconds: response.authResponse.expiresIn }, null);
window.dialogs.loadFacebookOverlay({ href: href, image: image, description: description, socialId: response.authResponse.userID });
} else {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
$.getJSON(window.page.services + "StoreAuthToken", { type: "facebook", socialId: response.authResponse.userID, authId: response.authResponse.accessToken, expiresInSeconds: response.authResponse.expiresIn }, null);
window.dialogs.loadFacebookOverlay({ href: href, image: image, description: description, socialId: response.authResponse.userID });
} else { /* user cancled */ }
}, { scope: 'share_item' });
我如何获取身份验证令牌,也许使用 twitter @anywhere 代码?
if (twttr) {
twttr.anywhere(function(T) {
if (T.isConnected()) {
/* how do I get the auth token here? */
window.dialogs.loadTwitter({ href: href, image: image, description: description });
} else {
/* a pop-up is blocked - any way to allow it? */