我在 word doc 表中获得了我的教学计划和学期计划。我想知道是否有办法将这些数据输入 iCal。在 iCal 中创建事件比将这些表复制到 excel 文件并从那里导入 iCal 需要更长的时间。

数据将是一天的事件,即 House-Gala Friday 22/02/2013,其余数据将是 2 周或 3 周的事件,即 3 周 - Gr.10 数学 - 主题:指数(这些事件将是 5日事件(周一至周五)重复三周。)

这是我从互联网上获得的脚本 - 但它给出的第一个错误是它无法将 .csv 文件文本转换为 Unicode 类型。

脚本后面的另一个问题是让这 5 天的事件重复 3 或 2 周。


  --Convert CSV file to iCal events
  --Prompts for file, then processes
  --expects date,start time,end time,event name,xxxx,calendar name
  --eg 12/01/2006,20:30,22:00,Water Committee,,TestCal
  --change the various text item ns if data order in a file line is different
  --blank lines skipped
  --if other data present (eg location, notes ...) add a line in the tell calendar Calno loop
--to include it eg set location to text item 5 of ThisLine
set OldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set LF to ASCII character 10
set theFile to choose file with prompt "Select CSV calendar file"
set theLines to read theFile
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {LF}
set theLines to paragraphs of theLines
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {","}
repeat with ThisLine in theLines
    if (count of ThisLine) > 0 then --ignore blanks
        set StartDate to date (text item 1 of ThisLine & " " & text item 2 of ThisLine)
        set EndDate to date (text item 1 of ThisLine & " " & text item 3 of ThisLine)
        set CalName to word 1 of text item 6 of ThisLine
        tell application "Calendar"
            set CalList to title of every calendar
            if CalName is in CalList then
                repeat with CalNo from 1 to count of CalList
                    if CalName is item CalNo of CalList then exit repeat
                end repeat
                set NewOne to make new calendar at end of calendars with properties {title:CalName}
                set CalNo to 1 + (count of CalList)
            end if
            tell calendar CalNo
                set newItem to make new event at end of events with properties {start date:StartDate}
                set summary of newItem to text item 4 of ThisLine
                set end date of newItem to EndDate
            end tell --calendar
        end tell --iCal
    end if
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to OldDelimiters

好的,感谢您的回复,这是我到目前为止所拥有的,我无法使用 NumberCount 作为事件重复的 COUNT:

set text item delimiters to ";"
repeat with l in paragraphs of (read "/Users/pienaar0/Desktop/test.csv" as «class utf8»)
if contents of l is not "" then
    set sd to date (text item 1 of l & " ")
    set ed to date (text item 2 of l & " ")
    set NumberWeeks to (text item 4 of l & " ")
    set NumberCount to NumberWeeks - 1
    tell application "Calendar" to tell calendar "Test"
        make new event with properties {allday event:true, start date:sd, end date:ed, summary:text item 3 of l, recurrence:"FREQ=WEEKLY;COUNT=2 * NumberCount"}

    end tell
end if
 end repeat

1 回答 1

set text item delimiters to ","
repeat with l in paragraphs of (read "/Users/username/Desktop/test.csv" as «class utf8»)
    if contents of l is not "" then
        set sd to date (text item 1 of l & " " & text item 2 of l)
        set ed to date (text item 1 of l & " " & text item 2 of l)
        tell application "Calendar" to tell calendar "Test"
            make new event with properties {start date:sd, end date:ed, summary:text item 4 of l}
        end tell
    end if
end repeat


01/25/2013,10:30PM,11:00PM,test event
01/26/2013,00:00AM,01:00AM,test event2
于 2013-01-25T20:07:59.630 回答