SQL 小提琴:http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/9b459/6
我有一张表格,其中包含对“你会参加这个活动吗?”这个问题的答案。每个用户可能会响应多次,所有答案都存储在表中。通常我们只对最新的答案感兴趣,我正在尝试为此构建一个有效的查询。我正在使用 SQL Server 2008 R2。
Column types: int, int, datetime, bit
Primary key: (EventId, MemberId, Timestamp)
请注意,成员 18 先回答“否”后回答“是”,成员 20 先回答“是”后回答“否”,成员 11 回答“否”后再次回答“否”。我想过滤掉这些成员的第一个答案。此外,应该过滤的答案可能不止一个 - 例如,用户可能会回答是、是、否、是、否、否、否。
我尝试了一些不同的想法,并在 SQL Server Management Studio 中通过输入所有查询、选择显示估计的执行计划并比较每个查询的总成本百分比来评估它们。这是评估性能的好方法吗?
-- Subquery to select Answer (does not include Timestamp)
-- Cost: 63 %
select distinct a.EventId, a.MemberId,
select top 1 Answer
from Attendees
where EventId = a.EventId
and MemberId = a.MemberId
order by Timestamp desc
) as Answer
from Attendees a
where a.EventId = 68
-- Where with subquery to find max(Timestamp)
-- Cost: 13 %
select a.EventId, a.MemberId, a.Timestamp, a.Answer
from Attendees a
where a.EventId = 68
and a.Timestamp =
select max(Timestamp)
from Attendees
where EventId = a.EventId
and MemberId = a.MemberId
order by a.TimeStamp;
-- Group by to find max(Timestamp)
-- Subquery to select Answer matching max(Timestamp)
-- Cost: 23 %
select a.EventId, a.MemberId, max(a.Timestamp),
select top 1 Answer
from Attendees
where EventId = a.EventId
and MemberId = a.MemberId
and Timestamp = max(a.Timestamp)
) as Answer
from Attendees a
where a.EventId = 68
group by a.EventId, a.MemberId
order by max(a.TimeStamp);
最好避免对每个成员使用子查询。在我尝试使用的最后一个查询中,group by
但仍然必须对 Answer 列使用子查询。我真的很想要这样的东西,但这当然不是有效的 SQL:
select a.EventId, a.MemberId, max(a.Timestamp), a.Answer <-- Picked from the line selected by max(a.Timestamp)
from Attendees a
where a.EventId = 68
group by a.EventId, a.MemberId
order by max(a.TimeStamp);
SQL Fiddle 给我留下了深刻的印象,我现在已经在那里输入了我的实际数据: http ://sqlfiddle.com/#!3/9b459/6