我现在的问题是我有一个带有标签的网站,并且同一篇文章的相同投票表格可能会在同一页面中显示两次或更多。由于脚本与 ID 一起使用,我遇到了问题。
// The VoteHijacker JS
var VoteHijacker = Class.create();
VoteHijacker.prototype =
initialize: function(prefix)
console.log('this.prefix:' + this.prefix + ' prefix:' + prefix);
this.prefix = prefix || "";
registerEventHandlers: function()
$$("form." + this.prefix + "vote").each(function(form)
Event.observe(form, "submit", this.doVote.bindAsEventListener(this), false);
doVote: function(e)
var form = Event.element(e);
var id = /(\d+)$/.exec(form.id)[1];
var action = /(up|down|clear)vote/.exec(form.action)[1];
new Ajax.Request(form.action, {
onComplete: VoteHijacker.processVoteResponse(this.prefix, id, action)
VoteHijacker.processVoteResponse = function(prefix, id, action)
return function(transport)
var response = transport.responseText.evalJSON();
if (response.success === true)
var upArrowType = "grey";
var upFormAction = "up";
var downArrowType = "grey";
var downFormAction = "down";
if (action == "up")
var upArrowType = "mod";
var upFormAction = "clear";
else if (action == "down")
var downArrowType = "mod";
var downFormAction = "clear";
VoteHijacker.updateArrow("up", prefix, id, upArrowType);
VoteHijacker.updateArrow("down", prefix, id, downArrowType);
VoteHijacker.updateFormAction("up", prefix, id, upFormAction);
VoteHijacker.updateFormAction("down", prefix, id, downFormAction);
VoteHijacker.updateScore(prefix, id, response.score);
alert("Erro a votar: " + response.error_message);
VoteHijacker.updateArrow = function(arrowType, prefix, id, state)
var img = $(prefix + arrowType + "arrow" + id);
var re = new RegExp("a" + arrowType + "(?:mod|grey)\\.png");
img.src = img.src.replace(re, "a" + arrowType + state + ".png");
VoteHijacker.updateFormAction = function(formType, prefix, id, action)
var form = $(prefix + formType + id);
form.action = form.action.replace(/(?:up|down|clear)vote/, action + "vote");
VoteHijacker.updateScore = function(prefix, id, score)
var scoreElement = $(prefix + "score" + id);
scoreElement.innerHTML = score.score /*+ " point" + VoteHijacker.pluralize(score.score)*/;
scoreElement.title = "after " + score.num_votes + " vote" + VoteHijacker.pluralize(score.num_votes);
VoteHijacker.pluralize = function(value)
if (value != 1)
return "s";
return "";
<div class="upparrow">
<form class="mainvote" id="mainup{{ main.id }}" action="/votarem/main/{{ main.id }}/{% if vote and vote.is_upvote %}clear{% else %}up{% endif %}vote?next=/" method="POST">
<input type="image" id="mainuparrow{{ main.id }}" src="/media/images/aup{% if vote and vote.is_upvote %}mod{% else %}grey{% endif %}.png">
<div class="actualvotes">
<span class="score" id="mainscore{{ main.id }}" title="depois de {{ score.num_votes|default:0 }} voto{{ score.num_votes|default:0|pluralize }}">
{{ score.score|default:0 }}
<div class="downarrow">
<form class="mainvote" id="maindown{{ main.id }}" action="/votarem/main/{{ main.id }}/{% if vote and vote.is_downvote %}clear{% else %}down{% endif %}vote?next=/" method="POST">
<input type="image" id="maindownarrow{{ main.id }}" src="/media/images/adown{% if vote and vote.is_downvote %}mod{% else %}grey{% endif %}.png">