我正在编写一个简单的脚本,它将通过 python 同步一个 perforce 目录但是我不能这样做。它不允许我通过脚本执行该 [perforce] 目录中的任何内容。有人可以建议我如何在该目录中运行 p4 login、p4 sync 等命令吗?
6 回答
perforce有一个官方支持的python API 。
因为它允许您将 p4 连接视为对象并使用 API 操作它,而不是手动解析 p4 命令的输出。
在没有任何其他参数的情况下运行“p4 sync”将同步当前客户端工作区映射到当前目录的文件。从 Python 脚本运行命令时,您需要了解脚本实际运行的位置。
出于调试目的,请先尝试运行“p4 info”:它将显示当前工作目录是什么,以及向您显示 Perforce 环境的其余详细信息。
- 仓库语法:p4 sync //depot/path/to/dir/...
- 本地语法 (Windows): p4 sync c:\users\user\path\to\dir...
- 本地语法 (*nix): p4 sync /home/user/path/to/dir/...
如果您是客户端工作区,用户或 perforce 服务器配置由 P4CONFIG 基于目录配置或由 P4V 设置,您可能希望将这些设置的全局选项作为全局选项添加到命令中。例如:
- p4 -p server:1666 -c client_ws -u 用户同步 //depot/path/to/dir/...
当您从 Python 运行命令时,您可能会发现 P4Python 脚本 API 使配置更容易: https ://www.perforce.com/perforce/r14.2/manuals/p4script/python.programming.html
如果 P4Python 比您想要处理的更多,Perforce Workshop 中有一个 Python 类,它提供了使用 P4Python 接口包装命令行的功能。
I have had good success running Perforce commands from Python, using the ActiveState Python 2.7, with the P4Python plugin. You will need a p4 definition line, like the following:
p4Params = {'Port': "perforce_server_name:1666", \
'Pass': "mypassword", \
'User': "myname", \
'Client': "myclient"}
Plus you'll need the P4 and P4Exception libraries:
from P4 import P4,P4Exception
With that in hand, you can perform most any Perforce command with the following construct. This function syncs to Rev #0 to remove all controlled files from some depot location "depotPath":
def removeWorkFiles(depotPath,p4Params):
"""Tell Perforce to remove the version files from the workspace"""
p4 = P4(client=p4Params['Client'], port=p4Params['Port'], password=p4Params['Pass'])
p4.user = p4Params['perfUser']
p4.connect() # Connect to the Perforce Server
deletePath = depotPath + "#0"
p4.run("sync", "-f", deletePath) # force to version "0", ie remove from workspace
except P4Exception:
for e in p4.errors: # Display errors
logging.error( e)
I highly recommend you read Perforce's P4 Python help page at:
This will give you some perspective, though it is not complete. Hope this helps
如果您知道可以在 CMD shell 中运行的确切 perforce 命令,则可以使用 os.system('cmd')。你也可以看看os.popen和subprocess.call来做同样的事情。
有 p4swamp,它也是 CLI 的包装器
from p4swamp import p4
result = p4('sync')